ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Lidový knoflík ve Sbírce Waldes-Knoflíky
Kateřina Hrušková
The study focuses on the set of folk costume buttons from the preserved part of the Waldes Museum collection. The aim of the paper is to present the button set and its ongoing research potentional, both in the further study of the collection itself and in comparison to other similar objects in the…
Vybrané metody 3D digitalizace aplikované na příkladech hodinových exemplářů Náchodského muzea
Klára Rybenská, Barbora Borůvková
The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of the digitization of 3D objects using both professional and publicly accessible methods. The article also aims to focus on selected tools of 3D digitization and their possible use in the memory institutions, such as museum, libraries and…
RTI metoda jako způsob digitalizace kulturního dědictví
Barbora Borůvková, Klára Burianová
Current technological developments offer an inexhaustible number of procedures for digitization. However, technological equipment intended for teams in professional laboratories reaches price levels that cultural institutions often do not have enough finances. Procedures and methods using equipment,…
Španělská synagoga: rekonstrukce a nová stálá expozice Židé v českých zemích v 19. a 20. století
Iveta Cermanová, Michaela Sidenberg, Jana Šplíchalová
The Jewish Museum in Prague, one of the oldest public Judaic collections since 1906, has opened the new permanent exhibition Jews in the Bohemian Lands, 19th-20th Centuries in the Spanish Synagogue. After a year and half-long reconstruction, the exhibition features the Jewish history in the Bohemian…
Jak vznikala výstava Uprostřed Koruny české. Gotické a raně renesanční umění východních Čech 1250–1550
Helena Dáňová, Markéta Pražáková