ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Fotogrammetrie jako optimální technika pro 3D digitalizaci v muzejních institucích
Jiří Frank, Josef Kortan, Miroslav Kukrál, Vojtěch Leischner, Lukáš Menšík, Paul Safko, David Sedláček, Eleonóra Stanková
One of the challenges that museums often face is how to present their ‚treasures‘ in a form that is both comprehensive and relevant to today‘s audiences. Digital content alone is not enough in this context and 3D content is increasingly gaining importance. One of the most accessible and at the same…
Audio průvodce v muzejní praxi
Michaela Smidová
The topic of the paper is the use of audioguides in the contemporary museum practice. It includes an overview of the development of the audioguides and their use since their implementation, the Czech and world research and case studies as well as the guidance through the process of creating an…
Transport materiálu v rolnickém prostředí. Návrh systematizace a struktury pojmosloví předmětů užívaných k přepravě materiálu a osob
Daniel Drápala, Aleš Smrčka
The majority of the forms of traditional transport began to disappear in the second half of the 20th century, and thus the objects used for the transport of material also disappeared from ordinary life. A fraction of them has been preserved in use or as part of the museum’s collections. There are…
Zpráva z konference Dokumentace, konzervace a restaurování hudebních nástrojů
Daniela Kotašová, Tereza Žůrková
The conference of the Methodological Center for Documentation, Conservation and Restoration of Musical Instruments presented specific approaches and methods of care for musical instruments in museum collections. Great attention was paid to restoration ethics or terminology in the documentation of…
Konference Muzea romské kultury představila současný vývoj a trendy v činnosti památníků 20. století
Jiří Šabek
The report informs about the conference organized by the Museum of Romani Culture in Brno titled „Places of memory: from building exhibitions to education in museums / memorials“, which took place on 10 and 11 November 2021 in Villa Stiassini and in the area of Roma and Sinti Holocaust Memorial in…