ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Česká muzea, nová média a technologie v expozicích: Longitudinální studie mezi lety 2015–2020
Nina Wančová
Museums are traditional and collection based cultural institutions. From the very beginning of the 20th century the established approaches in museums have been continuously challenged by social and technological changes. New topics including modernization are newly in the centre of interest. The…
V kůži posledního mluvčího. Gamifikace výstavy o jazykové diverzitě
Martina Vokáčová, Jakub Jehlička, Jan Bičovský, Eva Lehečková
In this paper, we deal with the presentation of the topics of the diversity, endangerment, extinction, documentation and preservation of the world’s languages to the primary and secondary school students via experiential education. We present an interactive exhibition titled “Linguistic biosphere”…
Galerijní výstavy a vlastivědná muzea
Stanislav Mikule
The paper is based on the author‘s practice in the Regional Museum in Žďár nad Sázavou. In many cities, museums and galleries are located side by side, and museums also hold gallery exhibitions. Museums of local history have considerable potential to supplement such an exhibition with the help of…
Zpráva ze semináře Prezentace dějin v malých muzeích
Petr Chlebec
The professional seminar Presentation of History in Small Museums was held on 23 and 24 September 2020 in Blatná. The aim of the seminar was not only to connect museum institutions, but also to present positive examples of the presentation of history in small museums. The theoretical and practical…
Vojáci Skutečska 1914–1920
Barbora Novotná
Following article introduces the publication ‘’Soldiers of the Skuteč county 1914-1920”, which won the special award in a Museum publication category at XVIII. annual Gloria Musaealis Awards 2019. It is a probe into the operations of soldiers connected to Skuteč and its near precincts. The article…