

ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal

Příprava stálých expozic Národního muzea 2011–2020

The paper introduces and analyses the preparation process of the new permanent exhibitions of the National Museum. The aspects included are the preparation management, the process of establishing definitions and the covered topics, the public procurement administration and finally the realization.…

Pamětní knihy a jejich role v muzejních institucích

Commemorative books are an essential part of exhibitions and long-term exhibitions in Czech museums. This article provides insight into the contents of books and to the information that this material can offer. A detailed analysis of ten selected pieces from the exhibitions of the National Museum…

Přístupy k historické architektuře v českých muzeích v přírodě

Open-air museums have been a part of the European museology for about one and a half century and it has been an architectural object that has been the main and defining element of this type of museum since the beginning. However, the importance of the buildings varies not only with the specific…

Průzkum sbírky fonografických válečků Českého muzea hudby

The paper presents the interdisciplinary survey of the phonographic cylinders collection of National Museum – Czech Museum of Music. The text was created for the New Phonograph: Listening to the History of Sound project. The paper focuses on the characterisation of long-term storage of the…