ISSN : 1803-7828 (Print), 2533-5634 (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Tereza Žůrková
Vedoucí redaktor : Tereza Žůrková
Musicus et poeta trilinguis. Nové poznatky o životě a díle Jiřího Cropatia Teplického
Marta Vaculínová, Petr Daněk
This joint article by a classical philologist and a musicologist deals with Jiří Cropatius (a figure documented between 1569 and 1580). Until now, he has been known as a composer who achieved what no other Czech had ever done: getting his music printed by Angelo Gardano in Venice. Current…
Litoměřický kancionál Jakuba Srkala z roku 1579
Dagmar Štefancová
On the basis of a little-known manuscript cantional from Litoměřice (1579) and of the analysis of its repertoire, this article presents new discoveries on the topic of the Bohemian song postils of the sixteenth century and on the question of the distribution and thesauration of songs during the…
Obraz osobnosti Růženy Maturové v ikonografické sbírce Muzea Bedřicha Smetany
Jana Plecitá
The article summarises the results attained so far through research and expert processing of the photographs held in the iconography collections of the Bedřich Smetana Museum. It provides information about Růžena Maturová (1869–1938) including previously unpublished details about the period of her…
Filmová hudba Luboše Fišera
Věra Šustíková
Luboš Fišer (1935–1999) was a prominent and original composer of the twentieth century. All his life, he worked as a freelance composer of classical music and film music. He combined these two fields, and in both he won a number of Czech and international awards. The article surveys Fišer’s film…