

ISSN : 0024-7774 (print), 1804-6460 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Benda Petr
V období od 13. 1. 2025 do 20. 1. 2025 bude e-shop z provozních důvodů mimo provoz.

Současné rozšíření bobra evropského (Castor fiber) v západních a jižních Čechách [The current distribution of the beaver (Castor fiber) in southwestern Bohemia (Czech Republic)]

The beaver (Castor fiber) is an original mammalian species of Bohemia. Strong anthropic pressure resulted in the total extermination of this species in the area under study. Last occurrence is known from the Lužnice and Nežárka river basins (South Bohemia) in the middle of 18th century. In 1773, the…

Vplyv trofickej aktivity bobra (Castor fiber) na drevinnú zložku vybraných pobrežných fytocenóz Záhorskej nížiny [The influence of beaver (Castor fiber) on the woody component of chosen littoral phytocenoses on the Záhorie lowland (Western Slovakia).]

The effect of beaver cutting on forest succession were studied on the Záhorie in west part of Slovakia on three study areas. Beavers were found to be selective in their choice of woody plants, preferring willow and poplar over all other species present. The beavers prefer most the trees with the…

Nové údaje o netopýru parkovém (Pipistrellus nathusii) v jižních Čechách [New data about Nathusius’s pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) in Southern Bohemia (Czech Republic)]

The contribution reports on the discovery of two big nursery colonies of Pipistrellus nathusii in the Třeboňsko Protected Landscape Area (Southern Bohemia), contributes to the biology of the species and summarizes available data about occurrence of P. nathusii in the Area and the Czech Republic.…

Návrat koně Převalského (Equus przewalskii) do volné přírody Mongolska a Číny [The return of the Przewalski’s horse (Equus przewalskii) into the wild in Mongolia and China]

One hundred years passed since the time when the first transport of Przewalski’s horses captured in China and Mongolia by hunting expedition arrived to Europe. Its existence came through dramatic breaks in the course of 20th century. Przewalski’s horse, the last living wild horse became the symbol…

Doterajšie poznatky z využitia zemných pascí pri teriologických výskumoch na východnom Slovensku [Present knowledge of pitfall trap utilization on theriological researchs on the East Slovakia]

In this paper are introduced results and present knowledge of pitfall traps utilization of small mammals on the East Slovakia. Research of small mammals was carried out in seven geomorphological units (Hornádska kotlina, Košická kotlina, Slanske vrchy, Zemplínske vrchy, Pieniny, Čergov,…

Hřbetní mícha letounů (Chiroptera): využitelnost znaků míšní morfologie v systematice [Spinal Cord of Chiroptera: Implications for the Phylogenetic Studies]

Gross morphology and cyto-, myelo- and chemoarchitectonic (distribution of acetylcholinesterase and cytochrome oxidase activity) organization of the spinal cord were studied in five chiropteran taxa (representing both suborders of bats: Rousettus aegyptiacus, Cynopterus sphinx, Myotis myotis,…

Drobné cicavce východného Slovenska v zberoch pracovníkov Ústavu zoológie SAV v Košiciach [Small mammals on the East Slovakia in collections of the scientific workers of the Zoological Institute SAS in Košice (Slovakia)]

Results of faunistic investigations of small mammals, in the area of East Slovakia in 1978–1999, are reported in the presented paper. Totally, 16124 individuals belonging to 29 mammal species were captured in 43 quadrats of the standard grid maps. Concetrated long-term research were realized in…

Badger (Meles meles) as a model species for the development of ecological and behavioural research [Jezevec lesní (Meles meles) jako modelový druh pro rozvoj ekologického a behaviorálního výzkumu]

Pilot studies of Kruuk (1989) in the UK revealed that amongst Mustelidae badgers are unusual as they form large groups sharing a communal site. Although there is a profusion of studies on badgers from the UK, there is genuine lack of supporting evidence that they are particularly social elsewhere in…

New records of Suncus etruscus (Mammalia: Insectivora) in Bulgaria and Greece and distribution of the species in the Balkans [Nové nálezy bělozubky nejmenší (Suncus etruscus) (Mammalia: Insectivora) v Bulharsku a Řecku a její rozšíření na Balkánském poloostrově.]

Survey of distribution of Suncus etruscus in the Balkan Penninsula, adjacent Adriatic- and Ionnian Islands as well as on Aegean Islands is given. Six Greek and one Bulgarian localities are reported for the first time. Recent records reveal that in the Balkans, S. etruscus is not confined only to the…

Návrat myšice temnopásé, Apodemus agrarius (Rodentia: Muridae) na jižní Moravu? [Return of Apodemus agrarius (Rodentia: Muridae) to Southern Moravia (Czech Republic)?]

The geographical distribution of A. agrarius in the Czech Republic was originally thought to be limited to the northern part of the country, until Farský (1964) documented the occurrence of this species in the southern parts of Moravia as a result of his survey between 1920 and 1940. This was later…

Nové nálezy krysy (Rattus rattus) v Praze a ve středních Čechách [New records of the Black rat (Rattus rattus) in Prague and Central Bohemia (Czech Republic)]

New records of the Black rat from northern and southeastern borders of the city of Prague are reported. They suggest possibly spread of the rat which has been confined only to single Prague locality, i.  e., a river port, during last 50 years. Another record, from the town Mladá Boleslav (Central…

Zemřel Jan Porkert [Jan Porkert in memoriam]

Jan Porkert, the Czech mammalogist and ornithologist first of all, died September 26, 2000 in Opočno, at age of 66. He was known to mammalogists as the author of studies influencing the immigration of small mammals into human dwelling buildings by the actual meteorological conditions. Besides, he is…

Za Ing. Aristidem Mošanským, CSc. [Ing. Aristid Mošanský, CSc. – obituary]

Ing. Aristid Mošanský (1928–2000) was a renowned Slovak vertebratologist and museologist. Most important of his papers and book chapters concern birds and mammals; he was an excellent illustrator as well. The professional career of A. Mošanský as a mammmalogist is summarized, and a bibliography of…