

ISSN : 0036-5351
Vedoucí redaktor : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.

Provenance records in the CERL Thesaurus and in Material Evidence in Incunabula

The integration and retrieval of records containing provenance information is at the core of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL)'s mission: provenance records can now be retrieved, when present, in the Heritage of the Printed Book database (HPB), in the CERL Portal (CP), in the CERL…

Methodische Überlegungen zur Provenienzerschließung

Most German libraries holding important historical collections are increasingly engaged in provenance description as an important issue of considering books as material objects. Since the publication of the Washington Principles in 1998 provenance research gained special interest as a means of…

Provenance des livres anciens: du signalement aux reconstructions

For more than twelve years, the Bibliothčque municipale de Lyon has been striving to create a Provenance database linking its collections to their former owners, Throughout Europe and now through the streets of the city of Lyon itself with walking tours evoking the history of ancient libraries, this…

Les marques de provenances à la Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France

Since December 2012, the Bibliothèque de l’Institut de France has offered a provenance database including rare books and manuscripts. The records have been divided into four parts: the former owners, the mark of ownership, the book, and the photographs of the mark and its location.…

Výskum proveniencie v kultúrnych dejinách

The study compares theoretical approaches of provenance research in book culture history with the author’ experience acquired in the treatment of the historical book collection in the Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Book archaeology has provided results in the form of…

Osobní knihovna Josefa Václava Friče. Poznámky na okraj

A private library is a unique and random set of books and periodicals usually accumulated by a single person whose relation to the collection, or to a specific item, may be characterised either as the role of an owner of an object or the role of a reader. What is dominant in the first case…

Osobní knihovny očima literárního historika

Deep knowledge of individual volumes in the libraries of prominent personalities provides every literary historian with a better idea of the owner’s education, of the spiritual milieu in which he/she lived and worked, of his/her contacts with his/her artistic contemporaries, of his/her…