ISSN : 0036-5351
Vedoucí redaktor : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.
Vedoucí redaktor : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.
Pavel Josef Šafařík a Václav Hanka – dva obrozenecké typy
Marcel Černý
The study provides a comparison of two exponents of Czech scientists in the period of the Czech National Revival – Pavel Josef Šafařík (1795–1861) and Václav Hanka (1791–1861). The relation between these scholars and Slavists was studied and analysed by means of random probes in Šafařík’s…
Paralely a podobnosti v ranej tvorbe Pavla Jozefa Šafárika a Adama Mickiewicza
Peter Káša
This paper analyses the early works of the poet and scholar P. J. Šafárik (1795–1861) and the Polish Romantic poet and thinker Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1856). Despite the fact that their lives and literary works were different, both authors have significantly contributed to European thought by adding a…
Tatranská múza s lýrou slovanskou
Viktor Viktora
Earlier literary-historical research found influences of Ancient poetry and the contemporary Anacreontic poetry of Germany in the work of P. J. Šafárik. Modern views have noticed his poetic independence and prominent position in the development of the Czech and Slovak poetry. The paper observes some…
Slovenský překlad Šafárikových Slovanských starožitností
Jana Skladaná, Ivor Ripka
The article emphasises the exceptional importance of Šafárik’s Slovanské starožitnosti [Slavic Antiquities] from 1837 as one of the most remarkable Slavic works of the 19th century. It provides an overview of its first translations (into Russian, German, Polish and other languages) and draws…
Spolupráca Pavla Jozefa Šafárika s Jánom Kollárom a Martinom Humuljakom
Augustín Maťovčík
Revival The article focuses on the cooperation between the major personalities involved in the Slovak National Revival in the first half of the 19th century: the scientist P. J. Šafárik, the poet J. Kollár and M. Hamuljak, who was a follower of A. Bernolak’s linguistic tradition. The author…
Pokusy o souborné vydání Šafaříkovy korespondence
Miloš Sládek
The study deals with the efforts of philologists, historians and museum staff at the turn of the 20th century to publish the scholarly correspondence of P. J. Šafařík. The only items that have survived from the comprehen-sively conceived project of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts are…
Julie Šafaříková – žena v pozadí
Ludmila Mazalová
The article outlines the fates of the wife of the significant researcher and co-founder of the Slavic studies Pavel Josef Šafařík, who – like other educated married women in the 19th century – could only play an accompany-ing role, the role of the woman in the background. The study shows how her…
Julie Šafaříková a její matka na portrétech Amalie von Peter
Lubomír Sršeň
This article introduces readers to the life stories of two women related to Pavel Josef Šafařík (1795–1861), a distinguished Czech historian, ethnographer and linguist of Slovak origin. These women were his wife Julie (1803–1876) and her mother, i.e. Šafařík’s mother-in-law Susanna Ambrózy de Séden…
Šafaříkova knihovna – 150 let v Knihovně Národního muzea
Helga Turková
The article deals with Šafařík’s library and his literary estate, one of the most important wholes of the National Museum Library, which was purchased for twenty thousand Gulden by the Land Committee of the Kingdom of Bohemia on 10 December 1863. After discussions with the Society of the Museum of…
Pavel Josef Šafařík – bibliotékář (13. květen 1795 – 26. červen 1861)
Ludmila Kubátová
The article describes the activities of Pavel Josef Šafařík in the Public Imperial-Royal University Library in Prague in 1841–1860. In his function, Šafařík utilised all of his life experience and knowledge as well as countless acquaintances for the benefit of the library. Using his professional and…