ISSN : 0036-5351
Vedoucí redaktor : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.
Vedoucí redaktor : PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D.
Odraz nacionalismu ve zprávách Deutscher Leipaer Zeitung o dvou požárech na Českolipsku
Robert Krejcar
At the turn of the 19th and the 20th century, two villages in the Region Česká Lípa were afflicted by the destructive fire. In 1898 the fire hit the village Bezděz and in 1904 the village Jestřebí. Readers of the Česká Lípa newspapers “Deutsche Leipaer Zeitung” have been informed in detail…
Využití dopravy při novinářské činnosti v první polovině 20. století
Jan Jirků
In the media sphere it is possible to consider the relations among the used technologies, media organizations and users of these technologies who work in media organizations. These links have existed, of course, since the first media organizations began to form themselves, but at present…
Sebevraždy během vrcholící nezaměstnanosti velké hospodářské krize v Československu
Tomáš Lysoněk
The Great depression in the first years of 1930s brought a significant increase in the unemployment rate in Czechoslovakia. At its
peak, over 0,9 million people were searching for a job. Along with the economical problems came a rapid increase in the number of suicides that had started off at…
My a oni: mýtus nepřítele v protektorátním denním tisku na přelomu června a července 1941
Lenka Lysoňková
Creating the image of the enemy and daily stand in opposition against him was one of the basic missions of the daily press in the protectorate. Propaganda controlled media utilized a wide aray of iconic, index and symbolic means and signs – mainly connotation chains, that were used to…
Der Neue Tag – jeden z konců německého tisku v Čechách a na Moravě
Barbara Kopplová
Reflections on restructure of the Czech press after WWII often focus on denacification, retributions of crimes and betrayals conducted by journalists in the period of the Protectorate Böhmen und Mähren. Alternatively, most studies are concerned with restructuring of the Czech press after…
Protižidovské výtržnosti při partyzánském sjezdu v českém tisku v létě 1946
Petr Bednařík
Anti-Semitic demonstrations continued in Slovakia in the period following World War II. The most famous of these was the pogrom in Topoľčany in September 1945. Further anti-Semitic incidents took place in Slovakia in early August 1946 during the first national partisan congress held in…
Podíl Svazu českých novinářů na ustavení vysokoškolského studia žurnalistiky v letech 1945 – 1948
Jan Cebe
The paper discuss activity of the Union of Czech Journalists in the establishment of the first postwar school offering higher education for journalists in Czechoslovakia. It was dream of many journalists already in the First Republic. Revolutionary changes after May 1945 and the need to…
Systém výroby mediálních kampaní a organizace médií a novinářů v politických procesech
Ondřej Zamazal
This article studies the system of making media campaigns and organisation of media and journalists in political show trials against alleged enemies in totalitarian Czechoslovakia in early 1950s. The main aim of the paper is to explain interventions of state institutions and communist…
Vznik týdeníku Tribuna jako první legální tiskové platformy antireformních sil v roce 1969
Jakub Železný
The paper analyzes establishing of the weekly newspaper „Tribuna“ (The Tribune), which had been edited by „Czech bureau of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia“ since the beginning of 1969. In the intricate social and political situation between the Warsaw Pact occupation (August 1968)…
Letecké nehody v době normalizace v československém tisku
Tereza Šírová
The negativity usually considered as one of news values. In my diploma thesis, I compared the media coverage of 10 railway or aircraft accidents which happened in Czechoslovakia or in the Czech republic between 1960–2008. The result was, that during the
Communistic regime, the negative news…
K periodizaci vývoje mediální výchovy a mediálního vzdělávání v českém prostředí v evropském kontextu
Lucie Šťastná, Jan Jirák
The text offers the discussion about possible approaches to the descrittion of the development of formal media education in Czech and European contexts. Severeal epochs are identified starting with pre-systematic experiments and followed by conceptual framing betwwen WWI and WWII, the…
Dialektika vztahu sovětského a libertariánského mediálního paradigmatu a interpretace mediálních obsahů
Otakar Šoltys
The coexistence of two media paradigms in the period between 1948 and 1989 in the Czechoslovakia built up a special usage of the media information in the public sphere. The deep structure and surface structure processes of media information management are the items of interest of this…