Pavel Josef Šafařík – bibliotékář (13. květen 1795 – 26. červen 1861)

Stránky 73–80
Klíčová slova Pavel Josef Šafařík (1795–1861) – Šafařík’s stay in Prague 1833–1861 – professional and library activities – Public ImperialRoyal University Library in 1841–1860 (National Library of the CR)
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KUBÁTOVÁ, Ludmila. Pavel Josef Šafařík – bibliotékář (13. květen 1795 – 26. červen 1861). Sborník Národního muzea v Praze, řada C – literární historie. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2013, 58(1–2), 73–80. ISSN 0036-5351. Dostupné také z:

Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum | 2013/58/1-2

The article describes the activities of Pavel Josef Šafařík in the Public Imperial-Royal University Library in Prague in 1841–1860. In his function, Šafařík utilised all of his life experience and knowledge as well as countless acquaintances for the benefit of the library. Using his professional and scientific authority, he greatly contributed to the increase of state subsidies for the library, which made it possible to purchase numerous essential foreign publications from all scientific fields for the library collections. He is further credited with a systematic and well-planned purchase of Slovak production. His persistent efforts and repeated requests made it possible to increase the salaries of the library’s staff and hence retain high-quality expert employees and continue to provide superior professional treatment of the collections and better services to the readers.

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