Book Culture

The collection of documents on the development of book culture contains mostly non-literary material…

Book collection

The core of this collection consists of the libraries of famous figures of Czech science and…

The Central Catalogue of National Museum

The catalogues of the NM Library

Other catalogues and lists of collections of the NM Library

Electronic ordes of collections to study rooms of NM Library

Digital libraries of National Museum

Free accessible portals with digitized collections of National Museum

Free accessible digital libraries

Other Czech information sources


An NML user is a natural or legal person with a valid Reader Pass. For natural persons, the condition is 15 years of age completed. Persons with disabilities will notify the staff about the condition upon registration. Payment for registration is possible only in cash.

The user requesting the NML registration shall submit a filled-in The Researcher Sheet, ID card or valid passport, shall pay fees according to the NM Price List and expresses his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data by his/her signature on the Researcher Sheet.

The Researcher Pass is issued for five visits or for a period of one calendar year.
Card fees are shown in the Price list of the National Museum Library.


Documents from the Central library Department are lent to registered users after ordering them to the NML Study Rooms: Study room in the Historical Building of The National Museum. Requests may be handed in personally in the loan protocol of the Historical Building or ordered online;  see Catalogues and Databases

Collection items from Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books are ordered via the online form and delivered to the Study room in the Historical Building.

Collection items from the Book Culture Department are ordered via the online form and loaned into the Study Rooms only after arrangements have been made with the collection's curator. Contact: PhDr. Pavel Muchka.

Documents from the Journals Department: Bohemian periodicals - newspapers and magazines, which were and are issued in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Slovakia to 1992 will be available int their own Study Room.


We provide printed copies and digital copies. Payment for copies is possible in cash or by invoice.

The capacity of the digitizing workplace is already full. We are not accepting orders until June 2023. Thank you for your understanding.

  •  printed copies are provided for documents from the library collections published since 1851. In the case of copyright-protected books, only printed copies are possible. Contact: vypujcniprotokol
  • digital copies are provided from the library collections (books, periodicals) published until 1850 (inclusive) and from collection items regardless of the date of publication. Contact: Bc. Adam Petrásek

Manuscripts, early printed books and books from the 19th and 20th centuries that may be damaged by the copying process are not microfilmed, only digital copies are provided.

The user for whom the copy was made is obliged to treat it in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 121/2000 Coll., The Copyright Act.

The minimum period for the delivery of the copies is one month from the day when the request is sent because the library documents and collection items are delivered from a depository outside of Prague. The fees are paid in cash or by invoice as agreed. The digital copies are provided after the amount has been credited to the NM account.

  • copies for study purposes are provided in the basic resolution of 190 DPI, the original (1:1) ratio, and the JPG format.
  • copies for publication and exhibition purposes are provided in the resolution of 300 or 400 DPI, the original (1:1) ratio, and the JPG or TIFF format; the price depends on the number of DPI. An image of 600 DPI is converted from 400 DPI.
  • for electronic display, the resolution of only 190 DPI is allowed; the copy is then watermarked.

Copies made from the NML collections are for study purposes only. If the user wants to publish them - in a printed publication, e-resource, at an exhibition, etc. – he/she shall conclude an NML Contract to provide images and permission for their one-time use and pay the fee according to the NML Price list.

The use of copies for non-commercial (i.e. scientific, educational and instructional) purposes and for the promotion of the NM is free of charge. The client shall provide the agreed number of free copies of the publication.


For the permission to publish images from NML collections, please contact Bc. Adam Petrásek

Contracts are preferably concluded with a legal entity (publishing house, university, higher education institution, state institution, state administration authority, company), exceptionally with individuals.

How to reference an image from the NML collections:

Name of the image, author, title, publication year. Collections of the National Museum – National Museum Library,  shelfmark / Inv. No., p./fol., Prague, Czech Republic.

For example: Pope eater. Jena Codex [Antithesis Christi et Antichristi]. Collections of the National Museum – National Museum Library, shelf mark IV B 24, fol. 80r., Prague, Czech Republic.

The request for the copy publication permission shall contain:

1. User identification:

- In the case of a legal entity: the name and headquarters of the entity; the name, function and email of the person authorised to act on behalf of the entity; IČ (business identification number), DIČ (tax identification number), bank address and bank account number; contact person, his/her email and phone number; the address for sending the invoice (if different from the headquarters)

- In the case of an individual: first name, surname, date of birth, permanent address, email, phone number

2. A list of the requested copies of books or collection items (author, title, the place and year of publication, shelf mark / Inv. No., pages/folia)

3. Copy type and format and DPI

4. The basic information on the use of the copies: the title of the publication / the name of the project, a brief description of the project, author, publisher, the year of publication, the number of copies; in the case of an exhibition: its name, place, venue and duration.

Commercial purposes include e.g.: calendars, CD covers, postcards, publications (with the exception of scientific books), promotion materials, films and TV shows, websites, etc.

Non-commercial and educational purposes include e.g.: catalogues (of collections, exhibitions, etc.), scientific periodicals and publications, proceedings of scientific conferences and symposia, encyclopaedia, CD-ROMs, guides, (university) textbooks, theses and dissertations, websites of non-profit organisations, private use.


Copyright Act. All works by living authors or authors who died less than 70 years ago are protected by copyright and cannot be used without the consent of the author or the heirs. It is the client’s responsibility to secure the copyright to the work.


Payment Method

The fees are paid in cash or by invoice as agreed. The digital copies are provided after the contract has been concluded and the amount has been credited to the NM account. The invoice is issued after the contract has been signed by both parties.


Library holdings, collection and archive collections of the National Museum Library are available to users in our study rooms.

  • Study Room in the Central Repository II in Terezín (Prokopa Holého 78, býv. Hamburská kasárna, Terezín) - for collections of the Book Culture Department and Bohemian periodicals issued after 2000, Slovak periodicals issued up to 1992 will be available here - OPENED BY PREVIOUS ARRANGEMENT
  • Study room of the Journal Department (Královská obora 56, 170 76 Praha 7) - Bohemian periodicals - newspapers and magazines, which were and are issued in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Slovakia to 1992 will be available here - OPEN EVERY THURSDAY from 9 AM to 6 PM                  

In the last years, the research in the National Museum Library (NML) has mostly focused on book provenance treatment (the PROVENIO Project: The Method of Book Provenance Research, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic /MC CR/ within the Applied Research and Development of National and Cultural Identity Programme /NAKI/, 2012–2015). The main outcomes of this project are, besides the publication Ex libris... Ex bibliotheca… Knižní sbírky Knihovny Národního muzea a jejich dřívější majitelé [Ex libris... Ex bibliotheca...: Book Collections of the National Museum Library and Their Previous Owners] and a number of studies, also applied outcomes and the provenance database. Another NAKI grant implemented in the NML was the project Printed Books from the 16th Century in the Chateau Libraries of the Czech Republic (in cooperation with the National Heritage Institute and the National Library of the CR), whose main publication outcome is the homonymous three-volume catalogue. The two projects are currently continued by another grant of the MC CR, NAKI II: Virtual Reconstruction of Scattered Book Collections of Bohemical Provenance in the Czech and Foreign Libraries (2018–2022).

In parallel with NAKI projects, the NML has also implemented research within the research objectives of the Institutional Funding of the Long-Term Conceptual Development of a Research Organisation (IP DKRVO). In 2012–2017, attention was chiefly focused on the cataloguing of the rich collections of manuscript fragments deposited in the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books of the NML. The main outcomes of this research are catalogues dealing with individual shelf-mark series – the last volume, Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea. Signatura 1 K (Dodatky ke sbírkám Adolfa Patery a Čeňka Zíbrta) [Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library: Shelf Mark 1 K /Supplements to the Collections of Adolf Patera and Čeněk Zíbrt/] was published in 2017. DKRVO funding was also used for the publication of Liber viaticus Jana ze Středy: zmenšená reprodukce a komentářový svazek [Liber Viaticus by Johannes Noviforensis: A Reduced Reproduction and a Commentary Volume], which deals with one of the most important medieval manuscripts deposited in the NML and which came out in cooperation with the Academia publishing house in 2017. In 2017–2018, DKRVO also enabled material research into the Manuscript of Dvůr Králové and the Manuscript of Zelená Hora, whose chief objective was to determine their current state. The main outcome of this research objective is the monograph Hmotný průzkum Rukopisů královédvorského a zelenohorského: dokumentace současného stavu [Material Research into the Manuscript of Dvůr Králové and the Manuscript of Zelená Hora: The Documentation of Their Current State], accompanied by abundant visual material. In addition, the NML has conducted research (likewise funded from DKRVO) into Slavic collections, chapbooks (see the Špalíček database) and their producers in the geographical context, and has initiated preparatory work on the edition of Sebrané spisy Ferdinanda Peroutky [Collected Writings of Ferdinand Peroutka].

The NML is in charge of the journal Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum (in 1956–2016 published under the title Sborník Národního muzea, řada C – Literární historie), focused on literary history, book history and book culture. 


Monographs Published Since 2008

KŘENEK, Karel – OHLÍDALOVÁ, Martina – PECH, Michal – TVRZNÍKOVÁ, Jana. Hmotný průzkum Rukopisů královédvorského a zelenohorského: dokumentace současného stavu. [Material Research into the Manuscript of Dvůr Králové and the Manuscript of Zelená Hora: The Documentation of Their Current State]. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2018. ISBN 978-80-7036-568-7.

[(Rf.) Široký, Miroslav. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 65, 2020, č. 1–2, s. 90–91.]

DRAGOUN, Michal. Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea: signatura 1 K (Dodatky ke sbírkám Adolfa Patery a Čeňka Zíbrta) [Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library: Shelf Mark 1 K /Supplements to the Collections of Adolf Patera and Čeněk Zíbrt/]. Praha: Národní muzeum, Scriptorium, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7036-537-3.

[(Rf.) DOLEŽALOVÁ, Lucie. Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 9, 2017, No. 2, pp. 274–276.]
[(Rf.) MODRÁKOVÁ, Renáta. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 64, 2019, No. 3–4, s. 56–58.]

BRODSKÝ, Pavel – SPURNÁ, Kateřina – VACULÍNOVÁ, Marta (eds.). Liber Viaticus Jana ze Středy: zmenšená reprodukce a komentářový svazek. [Liber Viaticus by Johannes Noviforensis: A Reduced Reproduction and a Commentary Volume]. Praha: Academia, Národní muzeum, 2016. ISBN 978-80-200-2553-1, 978-80-200-2553-1.

[(Rf.) GAUDEK, Tomáš. Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 9, 2017, No. 1, pp. 127–128.]
[(Rf.) PRŮŠA, Lukáš. Česká literatura 66, 2018, No. 3, pp. 438–440.]
[(Rf.) DIENSTBIER, Jan. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 64, 2019, No. 1–2, pp. 65–68.]
[(Rf.) NODL, Martin. Český časopis historický 118, 2020, č. 2, s. 482–485.]

In 2018, the publication received the Magnesia Litera award for publishing achievement.


BROM, Vlastimil et al. Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea: signatury 1 D, 1 E a 1 G [Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library: Shelf Marks 1 D, 1 E and 1 G]. Praha: Národní muzeum, Scriptorium, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7036-493-2, 980-80-88013-36-5.

[(Rf.) VELIČKA, Tomáš. Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 9, 2017, No. 2, pp. 273–274.]
[(Rf.) MODRÁKOVÁ, Renáta. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 64, 2019, No. 1–2, pp. 69–73.]

BENEŠ, Jiří et al. Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea: signatury 1 B a 1 C [Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library: Shelf Marks 1 B and 1 C]. Praha: Národní muzeum, Scriptorium, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7036-448-2.

[(Rf.) VELIČKA, Tomáš. Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 9, 2017, No. 1, pp. 110–111.]
[(Rf.) MODRÁKOVÁ, Renáta. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 63, 2018, No. 3–4, pp. 207–211.]

KAŠPAROVÁ, Jaroslava – ŠÍPEK, Richard – VACULÍNOVÁ, Marta (eds.). Ex libris... Ex bibliotheca… Knižní sbírky Knihovny Národního muzea a jejich dřívější majitelé [Ex libris... Ex bibliotheca...: Book Collections of the National Museum Library and Their Previous Owners]. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2015.

MAŠEK, Petr et al. Tisky 16. století v zámeckých knihovnách České republiky. I–III. [Printed Books from the 16th Century in the Chateau Libraries of the Czech Republic]. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2015.

[(Rf.) HLAVÁČEK, Ivan. Český časopis historický 114, 2016, No. 3, pp. 768–774.]
[(Rf.) JELÍNKOVÁ, Andrea. Knihy a dějiny 23, 2016, č. 1–2, pp. 167–168.]
[(Rf.) PROKOPOVÁ, Zdeňka. Jihočeský sborník historický 85, 2016, pp. 470–472.]
[(Rf.) PÁNEK, Jaroslav. Folia Historica Bohemica 33, 2018, No. 1, pp. 245–247.]
[(Rf.) PÁNEK, Jaroslav. In: Bollettino dell'Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma 11, 2018, pp. 159–161.]
[(Rf.) PAVELKOVÁ, Jindra. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 64, 2019, No. 1–2, p. 98]

STEJSKALOVÁ, Eva. Novinové zpravodajství a noviny v Čechách od 17. století do roku 1740 [Newspaper Reporting and Newspapers in the Czech Lands from the 17th Century to the 1740]. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum, Národní muzeum, 2015.

[(Rf.) KUBÍČEK, Jaromír. Časopis Matice moravské 134, 2015, No. 2, pp. 557–561.]
[(Rf.) ŠIMEČEK, Zdeněk. Slovanský přehled 102, 2016, No. 1, pp. 130–133.]
[(Rf.) VANĚK, Václav. Dějiny a současnost 38, 2016, No. 6, p. 50.]
[(Rf.) PRAŽÁKOVÁ. Kateřina. Opera historica 17, 2016, No. 1, pp. 133–134.]
[(Rf.) FEJTOVÁ, Olga. Bohemia. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder 56, 2016, No. 1, pp. 210–212.]
[(Rf.) PRAŽÁKOVÁ, Kateřina. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 64, 2019, No. 1–2, pp. 78–79.]

BRČÁK, Marek et al. Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea: signatura 1 A [Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library: Shelf Mark 1 A]. Praha: Národní muzeum, Scriptorium, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7036-421-5.

[(Rf.) MAREK, Jindřich. Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 7, 2015, No. 1, p. 152.]
[(Rf.) MODRÁKOVÁ, Renáta. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 63, 2018, No. 1–2, pp. 50–53.]

KAŠPAROVÁ, Jaroslava. Amadis Waleský, nebo Don Quijote? Rytířské příběhy španělského Zlatého věku a jejich putování za čtenáři 16.–19. století. [Amadís de Gaula, or Don Quixote? Chivalric Romances of the Spanish Golden Age and Their Transmission to Readers of the 16th–19th Centuries]. České Budějovice: Veduta, Praha: Národní muzeum, 2014. ISBN:978-80-86829-95-1, 978-80-7036-422-2.

[(Rf.) BAĎUROVÁ, Anežka. Knihy a dějiny 22, 2015, No. 1–2, pp. 114–117.]

ŠÍPEK, Richard. Die Jauerer Schlossbibliothek Ottos des Jüngeren von Nostitz. Teil 1–2. Frankfurt am Main: PL Academic Research, 2014. ISBN 978-3-631-65029-5.

[(Rf.) KUCHAŘOVÁ, Hedvika. Knihy a dějiny 22, 2015, No. 1–2, pp. 107–108.]
[(Rf.) KNIELING, Nina. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 124, 2016, No. 1, pp. 226–228.]
[(Rf.) HABERLAND, Detlef. Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 66, 2017, No. 1, pp. 120–121.]

DRAGOUN, Michal – MAREK, Jindřich. Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea: sbírky Adolfa Patery a Čeňka Zíbrta [Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library: the Collections of Adolf Patera and Čeněk Zíbrt]. Praha: Národní muzeum, Scriptorium, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7036-350-8, 978-80-87271-68-1.

[(Rf.) HLAVÁČEK, Ivan. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 69, 2013, No. 1, p. 261.]
[(Rf.) PETR, Stanislav. Studie o rukopisech 42, 2012 [2013], pp. 176–180.]
[(Rf.) VELIČKA, Tomáš. Studia medievalia Bohemica 5, 2013, No. 2, pp. 326–327.]
[(Rf.) MODRÁKOVÁ, Renáta. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum 62, 2017, No. 3–4, pp. 46–49.]

DRAGOUN, Michal. Soupis středověkých rukopisů Knihovny Národního muzea. Doplňky ke katalogům F. M. Bartoše, J. Vašici a J. Vajse [A List of the Medieval Manuscripts of the National Museum Library. Supplements to the Catalogues by F. M. Bartoš, J. Vašica and J. Vajs]. Národní muzeum, Scriptorium, Praha: 2011. ISBN 978-80-7036-301-0, 978-80-87271-37-7.

[(Rf.) Sborník Národního muzea – řada C, literární historie 56, 2011, No. 1–2, pp. 23–24.]
[(Rf.) ŠEDIVÝ, Juraj. Studie o rukopisech 41, 2011, s. 249–282.]
[(Rf.) MAREK, Jindřich. Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 4, 2012, No. 1, pp. 137–138.]
[(Rf.) SPUNAR, Pavel. Listy filologické 136, 2013, No. 3–4, pp. 534–535.]


ANTONÍN, Luboš. Zlatý věk svobodného zednářství v Čechách [The Golden Age of Freemasonry in the Czech Lands]. Praha: Argo, 2010. ISBN 978-80-257-0317-5.

KAŠPAROVÁ, Jaroslava. České země a jejich obyvatelé očima románského světa 16.–17. století [The Czech Lands and Their Inhabitants Seen through the Eyes of the Romanic World of the 16th–17th Centuries]. České Budějovice: Veduta, 2010. ISBN 978-80-86829-53-1.

[(Rf.) BRADÁČOVÁ, Michaela. Z Českého ráje a Podkrkonoší 25, 2012, p. 350.]
[(Rf.) BAĎUROVÁ, Anežka. Knihy a dějiny 18–19, 2012 [2013], No. 1–2, pp. 149–151.]

MAŠEK, Petr. Šlechtické rody v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku od Bílé hory do současnosti. Díl. II. N–Ž [Aristocratic Families in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia Since the Battle of White Mountain. Vol. II. N–Ž]. Praha: Argo, 2010. ISBN 978-80-257-0294-9.

[(Rf.) MALINOVSKÝ, Anton František. Genealogické a heraldické listy. Acta genealogica ac heraldica 30, 2010, No. 3, s. 92.]
[(Rf.) WALTER, Vilém. Genealogické a heraldické informace 15(30), 2010, pp. 165–167.]
[(Rf.) Sborník Národního muzea – řada C, literární historie 56, 2011, No. 1–2, p. 23.]


BOLDAN, Kamil et al. Jenský kodex [The Jena Codex]. Praha: Gallery, 2009.

[(Rf.) BARTLOVÁ, Milena. Studia mediaevalia Bohemica 2, 2010, No. 2, pp. 331–333.]
[(Rf.) BOUBÍN, Jaroslav. Český časopis historický 108, 2010, No. 4, p. 728.]
[(Rf.) ČORNEJ, Petr. Marginalia historica 1, 2010, No. 2, pp. 112–115.]
[(Rf.) MAREK, Jindřich. Mediaevalia Historica Bohemica 15, 2012, No. 1, pp. 118–119.]

MAŠEK, Petr. Šlechtické rody v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku o Bílé hory do současnosti. Díl. I. A–M [Aristocratic Families in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia Since the Battle of White Mountain. Vol. I. A–M]. Praha: Argo, 2008. ISBN 978-80-257-0027-3.

[(Rf.) DROZD, Arnošt. Genealogické a heraldické listy. Acta genealogica ac heraldica. 28, 2008, No. 3, pp. 74–75.]
[(Rf.) KUBEŠ, Jiří. Cornova. Revue České společnosti pro výzkum 18. století a Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. 1, 2011, No. 2, pp. 68–70.]
[(Rf.) WALTER, Vilém. Genealogické a heraldické informace 15(30), 2010, pp. 165–167.]
[(Rf.) Sborník Národního muzea – řada C, literární historie 56, 2011, No. 1–2, p. 23.]

MAŠEK, Petr et al. Zámecké knihovny ve Zlínském kraji [Chateau Libraries in the Zlín Region]. Zlín: Krajská knihovna Františka Bartoše ve Zlíně, 2008. ISBN 978-80-86886-29-9.

The Central Library Department contains primarily Bohemian print production, from the 19th century through the present. The Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department has custody of the most valuable items in the Library – manuscripts and early printed books. The Journals Department has the second largest periodical collection in the country, which expands constantly by receiving copies of all the current periodical production in the Czech Republic. It is located in the 'Little Castle', the one-time summer palace of the regent of the Royal hunting preserve in Prague 7. The Department of Chateau Libraries specializes in castle libraries of the Czech Republic. The Book Culture Department manages collections of book production related items such as original book illustrations and graphics, original printing blocks, typographic stuff,exlibris and archival materials connected to book culture and publishing bussiness. The department also administers specialized collections of holy pictures, chapbooks and a collection of Czech National Revival book collection, bibliophile book editions and original art bookbinding. The Library Service Department has charge of the library's services for the public, i.e. the Study Rooms, loan protocol (registry), information services, reprographics and digital materials including handling contracts Contract to provide images and permission for their one-time us. The International Exchange of Publications Department runs international literature exchange, purchases and gifts.

According to the National Museum's statutes from 1994, the Museum Library is a publicly accessible research library. It is one of five divisions of the National Museum, along with the Natural Science Museum, the Historical Museum, the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and Indian Cultures and the Czech Museum of Music. Since 1956, the library publishes the Journal of the National Museum in Prague, series C – literary history from 2017 under a new name Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum.

Library collaborates with many institutions all over the world. In contrast with other libraries, the museum's library also serves as a museum division. It puts together exhibits both at home and abroad. It organizes lectures and lecture series, particularly in cooperation with Matice Česká, an association of the Museum Fellowship. It collaborates with the print media, radio and television. Library workers also function as educators in universities and in technical schools dealing with their specialty.

Since 2000, the library has participated in the project Memoriae Mundi Series Bohemica (national subprogram within the program UNESCO Memory of the World), whose goal is digitalization of historical library resources. Subsequently it also contributed to the Manuscriptorium and ENRICH programs.

The Manuscripts and the early printed books have been scanned since 2006 and they are available online via the digital libraries Manuscriptorium (currently 451 documents) and Portaro (165 documents).

In 2004, the Journal Department joined the national programme for the preservation of historical periodicals, made available in the Kramerius digital library, and digitised the newspaper titles Politik (1862–1906), the historical series of Časopis Národního muzea (the volumes 1831–1922, in 1827–1830 under the title Časopis Společnosti wlastenského museum w Čechách, in 1831–1854 as Časopis českého museum, in 1855–1922 as Časopis Musea království Českého), Prager Presse (1921–1938) and Rudé právo (in 1920–1938 including evening issues, in 1928–1934 published under the title Rudý večerník). In 2020, the digitisation of the title České slovo since 1918 began.

Digitized collections of The Book Culture Department ale available online via the portal Digital Library Špalíček provides access to part of the of shop-keeper's songs stored in the Book Culture Department; also  collections of partners´ institutions are gradually added.