This year’s first double issue of the journal Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum (Vol. 67, 2022/1–2) is dedicated to PhDr. Jaroslava Kašparová, Ph.D., who is celebrating an important jubilee in February 2022. The emeritus employee of the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books of the National Museum Library and a former long-term employee of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department of the National Library of the Czech Republic also served as the editor-in-chief of our journal in 2012–2016 and has been significantly involved in the systematic research into book provenances, in which the National Museum Library has been intensively engaged in recent years. The friends and colleagues of J. Kašparová have contributed to this double issue according to their professional focus. We can find here studies on various subjects and other shorter contributions, mainly devoted to foreign-language early printed books, castle libraries and other topics. This double issue also includes a special supplement with an extensive bibliography of J. Kašparová’s works and a short personal memoir by her long-term colleague PhDr. Richard Šípek, Ph.D.
Of course, the double issue also contains other regular sections, including two reviews, specifically of the publication Soupis tisků 17. století Západočeského muzea v Plzni = Catalogus operum saeculo XVII impressorum quae in Museo Bohemiae occidentalis Plznae asservantur [A Catalogue of 17th-Century Printed Books in the Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen] by L. Bendová and of the collective monograph Paralelní existence: rukopisy a tisky v českých zemích raného novověku [Parallel Existence. Manuscripts and Printed Books in the Czech Lands of the Early Modern Period].
In the section The News from the National Museum Library, Veronika Karfusová writes about the exhibition Moderní knižní obálky z muzejní knihovny [Modern Book Covers from the Museum Library], which was held in the Historical Building of the National Museum from October 2021 until January 2022. Barbora Nebeská from the Chateau Library Department provides a short report on another exhibition organised within the project Virtuální rekonstrukce rozptýlených provenienčně bohemikálních knižních celků v tuzemských i zahraničních knihovnách [Virtual Reconstruction of Scattered Book Collections of Bohemical Provenance in the Czech and Foreign Libraries], this time installed at Hradec nad Moravicí Castle and dedicated to Silesian castle libraries. Adam Jaško, a former employee of the Journals Department of the National Museum Library, briefly discusses the department’s digitisation projects, mainly from 2016–2020.
National Museum Library
The Publication of the New Issue of Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum
