This year’s autumn double issue of Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum (Vol. 68, 2023/3–4) is mostly dedicated to book illustration. The section Studies contains various articles on this subject by authors from the Museum of Czech Literature (Bronislava Rokytová, Vilma Hubáčková), the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University (Eva Bendová), the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University (Ota Halama) and the University of Prešov (Jana Migašová), which have been published within the Czech Science Foundation grant Illustrations of the Children’s Books in the Context of Publishers’ Intentions and Cultural, Ideological, and Socio-political Changes (1869–1969). The Materialia section comprises the text of Iva Bydžovská discussing the contribution of the map application of the Špalíč Digital Library to chapbook research. The above-mentioned studies on illustrations are complemented in the Miscellanea section by an article by Veronika Karfusová from the Book Culture Department of the National Museum Library dealing in depth with book-related works in this department and describing their processing in detail. The autumn double issue also contains three reviews, namely of the monographs Kříž z Telče (1434–1504). Písař, sběratel a autor [Crux of Telč (1434–1504): Scribe, Collector and Author] (Marie Ryantová), Portréty předbělohorských intelektuálů = Portraits of Intellectuals between 1516 and 1620 (Klára Andresová) and Humanista Ondrej Rochotský. Život a dielo [The Humanist Andreas Rochotius. His Life and Work] (Radoslav Ďurajka). The section The News from the National Museum Library provides information about the acquisition activities of the National Museum Library in 2023 (Pavel Muchka). A regular part of the autumn double issue is again the section Matiční listy, prepared by Matice česká, a section of the National Museum Society. This time, it is devoted to Jaroslav Seifert. It includes the comprehensive article Nobelova cena za literaturu pro Jaroslava Seiferta: pohled ze Švédska [Jaroslav Seifertʼs Nobel Prize in Literature from a Swedish Perspective] (Miloslava Slavíčková), the pictorial supplement Jaroslav Seifert ve fondech Památníku národního písemnictví [Jaroslav Seifert in the Collections of the Museum of Czech Literature], Zpráva o činnosti Matice české za rok 2023 [A Report on the Activities of Matice Česká in 2023] (Pavel Muchka), and two information panels prepared within the project Czech Writers in the Regions of the Czech Republic.
National Museum Library
The Publication of the New Issue of Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum
