Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea. Signatura 1 A
ISBN: 978-80-7036-421-5
Author(s): Marek Brčák et al.
Publisher: National Museum
Type of publication: Book
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 212
Citation: AL., Marek Brčák et. Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea. Signatura 1 A. Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, 2014. 212 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-421-5.
The publication The Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library. Shelf Mark 1 A describes one of the most important parts of the collection of fragments in the National Museum Library. By its design and form this publication follows the previouscatalogue of Michal Dragoun and Jindřich Marek The Manuscript Fragments in the National Museum Library ? The Collection of Adolf Patera and Čeněk Zíbrt that was published in 2012. The whole shelf mark 1 A is divided in three sections. The first section contains autographs of rulers, artists and other prominent figures. The dominant part of this section forms so-called Ototzky's collection. In terms of language, this part is mainly written in French, German and Russian. The second section contains both the Rukopis Královédvorský and Rukopis Zelenohorský, smaller forgeries of their circle and a small part of documents associated with RKZ. The last section contains medieval fragments written in Czech and it includes high number of fragments of Czech Bibles, but also contains fragments of chronicles, verse compositions and other texts. The publication, which was published in cooperation with the Scriptorium publishing house, also includes extensive registers.