Hmotný průzkum Rukopisů královédvorského a zelenohorského: dokumentace současného stavu
ISBN: 978-80-7036-568-7
Author(s): Karel Křenek et al.
Publisher: National Museum
Type of publication: Monograph
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 212
Citation: AL., Karel Křenek et. Hmotný průzkum Rukopisů královédvorského a zelenohorského: dokumentace současného stavu. Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, 2018. 212 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-568-7.
The Manuscript of Dvůr Králové (RK) and the Manuscript of Zelená Hora (RZ) are among the most famous and most discussed manuscripts from the collections of the National Museum. Both of them (RKZ) have been discussed mainly in terms of their authenticity, specifically the time when the texts recorded in them were written. The aim of the current research was not to intervene in the disputes over the authenticity of the RKZ, but mainly to evaluate and document the impact of all previous research. The research only used non-invasive imaging and analytical research methods including photographs in different types of light, microscopic research, documentation by means of infrared reflectography and X-rays as well as the identification of pigments by X-ray fluorescence analysis and Raman spectroscopy.
The publication is in Czech only.