Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea. Signatura 1 K (Dodatky ke sbírkám Adolfa Patery a Čeňka Zíbrta)
ISBN: 978-80-7036-537-3 (National Museum) / 978-80-88013-55-6 (Scriptorium)
Author(s): Michal Dragoun
Publisher: National Museum, Scriptorium
Place of publication: Prague
Number of pages: 320
Citation: DRAGOUN, Michal. Rukopisné zlomky Knihovny Národního muzea. Signatura 1 K (Dodatky ke sbírkám Adolfa Patery a Čeňka Zíbrta). Vydání první. Prague: National Museum, Scriptorium, 2017. 320 stran. ISBN 978-80-7036-537-3 (National Museum) / 978-80-88013-55-6 (Scriptorium) .
The catalogue has completed the scientific treatment of the collection of manuscript fragments in the National Museum Library in its current size. It contains descriptions of fragments placed under shelf mark 1 K, which consists of three parts: fragments that have gradually been deposited in the Department of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books but have not been described (cat. Nos. 1386–1611); a large number of fragments discovered during an inspection of the manuscript collection in 2016 (cat. Nos. 1612–2326); and several recent acquisitions (cat. Nos. 2327–2329). The mentioned fragments cat. Nos. 1612–2326 were accumulated at the time of the NM librarians Adolf Patera and Čeněk Zíbrt and are associated with the part of the collection of fragments scientifically treated in the catalogue from 2012. The fragments described in this catalogue are dominated by fragments of medieval manuscripts mostly from the 14th and 15th centuries, but the oldest fragment comes from as early as the beginning of the 9th century. The main language represented is Latin, to a lesser degree Czech; the occurrence of fragments in other languages is isolated. In terms of content, most of the material is represented by fragments of liturgical manuscripts, followed by documents, letters and messages, but also other types of medieval literature can be found in the collection.
Language – Czech