This year’s autumn double issue of the journal Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum (Vol. 66, 2021/3–4) is devoted to chapbooks. The editorial board would like to draw attention in particular to Michal Klacek’s monumental study Reflexe islámu v kramářských tiscích a kupletech druhé poloviny 19. a začátku 20. století [The Reflection of Islam in Chapbooks and Couplets of the Second Half of the 19th Century and the Early 20th Century]. Nevertheless, the other studies published are no less interesting, whether they deal with general issues or with specific collections of chapbooks. The studies are complemented by two articles in the Miscellanea section. The text by E. Ryšavá provides a brief description of the development of the chapbook collection deposited in the Book Culture Department of the National Museum Library, whereas the contribution by R. Macháčková summarises analogous collections in selected Moravian museums and libraries. The autumn double issue further includes four reviews. Two of them, in line with the focus of the issue, concern publications dealing with chapbooks, specifically the critical catalogue Do Brna široká cesta. Kramářské písně se světskou tematikou. Katalog k výstavě: Moravské zemské muzeum, 4. září 2020 – 7. března 2021 [The Wide Way to Brno. Broadside Ballads with Secular Themes. Exhibition Catalogue: Moravian Museum, 4 September 2020 – 7 March 2021] and the comprehensive publication by J. Ivánek and J. Malura, Horo krásná, spanilá! Poutní písně na Moravě (1600–1850) [Beautiful, Lovely Mountain! Pilgrimage Songs in Moravia (1600–1850)] from 2019. The other titles reviewed are the editorial enterprise of O. Vodička from the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences Dy kunst gelopt vor ritter und knechten. Analýza, edice a překlad tzv. kodexu Wallerstein, části A a B (UB Augsburg, Cod. I.6.4° 2, fol. 1r–74v) [Dy kunst gelopt vor ritter und knechten. An Analysis, Edition and Translation of the So-Called Codex Wallerstein, Parts A and B (UB Augsburg, Cod. I.6.4° 2, Fols. 1r–74v)] and a comprehensive monograph published last year by Scriptorium, Knižní kultura českého středověku [Czech Book Culture in the Middle Ages]. The section The News from the National Museum Library provides information on another exhibition organised within the NAKI II project of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic for 2018–2022 Virtuální rekonstrukce rozptýlených provenienčně bohemikálních knižních celků v tuzemských i zahraničních knihovnách [Virtual Reconstruction of Scattered Book Collections of Bohemical Provenance in the Czech and Foreign Libraries], this time installed at Kozel Castle. Other contributions are devoted to the international exchange of publications in the National Museum Library in the last decade (J. Kučerová) and the acquisition activities of the National Museum Library in 2021 (P. Muchka). A regular part of the autumn double issue is also the section Matiční listy, prepared by the Czech cultural association Matice česká, a part of the National Museum Society.

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