ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Parlament a parlamentarismus ve sbírkách Národního muzea
Ondřej Štěpánek
Thanks to various factors, the National Museum has managed to collect a relatively large number of items related to the topic of modern parliamentarism, many of which have been increasingly presented to the public in recent years at exhibitions, in expositions, and on digital platforms. The goal of…
Stálá expozice Českého muzea hudby – minulost, přítomnost a nové perspektivy
Tereza Žůrková
Exhibitions are one of the key presentation activities of museum institutions. In connection with the construction of a new depository and the gradual release of space in the historical building of the Czech Museum of Music, the museum gained the opportunity to expand and modernize its existing…
Rané písně Antonína Dvořáka: literární předlohy, rukopisné fragmenty, nakladatelé
Veronika Vejvodová
In his songs from 1865–1882, Dvořák used poems by Czech authors Adolf Heyduk, Eliška Krásnohorská, Karel Jaromír Erben, Serbian folk songs translated by Siegfried Kapper (Czech-German author), Vítězslav Hálek and poems from the Dvůr Králové Manuscript. Most of the texts were probably obtained…
Poprvé na scéně. K premiéře Dvořákovy Rusalky v Národním divadle v roce 1901
Veronika Vejvodová
The study brings a new perspective and unknown facts about the world premiere of Dvořák’s most famous opera Rusalka, which was first performed on 31 March 1901 at the National Theatre in Prague. Through previously unheeded sources and literature, the text provides a detailed description of the…
Divadelní fotografie a jejich autoři ve sbírce Národního muzea: Josef Heinrich a Čestmír Jírů – neznámí či zapomenutí?
Hanuš Jordan
Theater photographs as a visual source of theater history have been consistently collected in the National Museum since 1924. Historical images created by studios after 1859 give only limited evidence of the appearance of characters in theater plays. The article describes the specifics of recording…
Divadelní tisky, almanachy a další periodické i neperiodické prameny jako zdroj pro heuristické bádání v teatrologii: Zpráva o této sbírkotvorné činnosti Divadelního oddělení Národního muzea
Libor Vodička
The paper introduces the specific issue of sources for theaterological research and deals more closely with the historical genesis of the emergence and development of theatrical periodical and non-periodical press from the 18th century to the present day, from synopsis to theatre signs, almanacs,…
Badatelsky orientovaná výuka jako směr edukační strategie v expozici „Dějiny 20. století“ v Národním muzeu
Eliška Pekárková, Johana Stejskalová
Opening of the permanent exhibition History of the 20th century became the impulse for the Department of Education and Cultural Activities to rethink the strategy of museum education. As the contemporary debates on transformation of history didactics suggest, there is a lot of potential in Inquiry…
„Zapojíte se do diskuze?“ Uvažování o muzeích na stránkách českých muzejních periodik (1989–2021)
Michal Kurz
The analysis based on the leading Czech museum periodicals from 1989–2021 explores the understanding of the phenomenon of the museum. The conclusions show the lack of advanced discussion about the museum’s role during this period. Most museum workers are only concerned with practical problems; they…
Malá muzea a akademické prostředí – poddaný služebník a přehlíživý feudál, anebo vztah s potenciálem plodného partnerství?
Jan Lhoták
The constant metrification of the humanities, following the example of the natural sciences, places ever higher demands on the evaluation of scientific work. The importance of research in museum activities is declining in parallel with the shrinking territorial importance and scope of the museum.…