

ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
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Parlament a parlamentarismus ve sbírkách Národního muzea

Thanks to various factors, the National Museum has managed to collect a relatively large number of items related to the topic of modern parliamentarism, many of which have been increasingly presented to the public in recent years at exhibitions, in expositions, and on digital platforms. The goal of…

Divadelní tisky, almanachy a další periodické i neperiodické prameny jako zdroj pro heuristické bádání v teatrologii: Zpráva o této sbírkotvorné činnosti Divadelního oddělení Národního muzea

The paper introduces the specific issue of sources for theaterological research and deals more closely with the historical genesis of the emergence and development of theatrical periodical and non-periodical press from the 18th century to the present day, from synopsis to theatre signs, almanacs,…