Rané písně Antonína Dvořáka: literární předlohy, rukopisné fragmenty, nakladatelé

Stránky 30–38
DOI 10.37520/mmvp.2022.015
Klíčová slova Antonín Dvořák songs, Amalie Joachim, Fritz Simrock, music publishers, poems
Citace VEJVODOVÁ, Veronika. Rané písně Antonína Dvořáka: literární předlohy, rukopisné fragmenty, nakladatelé. Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2022, 60(2), 30–38. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37520/mmvp.2022.015. ISSN 1803-0386. Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/muzeum-muzejni-a-vlastivedna-prace/60-2/rane-pisne-antonina-dvoraka-literarni-predlohy-rukopisne-fragmenty-nakladatele
Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce | 2022/60/2

In his songs from 1865–1882, Dvořák used poems by Czech authors Adolf Heyduk, Eliška Krásnohorská, Karel Jaromír Erben, Serbian folk songs translated by Siegfried Kapper (Czech-German author), Vítězslav Hálek and poems from the Dvůr Králové Manuscript. Most of the texts were probably obtained through Jan Ludevít Procházka, the important figure of Czech cultural life, who initiated Czech song writing for the concerts he organised in Prague. Some of Dvořák’s songs and cycles have survived in fragmentary form (Rozmarýna, s. op. and Like the Moon in the Heavens, No. 12 from Evening Songs, s. op.), some in the two different versions (the song Bouquet from Songs on Words from the Dvůr Králové Manuscript, op. 7). For the purposes of the Simrock edition, the composer arranged the song for the mezzo-soprano Amalie Joachim. Shortly after Dvořák’s establishment of cooperation with the Berlin publisher Simrock, this important publisher released Songs on the Words of Serbian Folk Poetry and four of the Songs on the words from the Dvůr Králové Manuscript. The singer Joachim supported the publishing of these editions, which were also dedicated to her by Dvořák.

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