ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Úvodní panely k výstavám: Kvantitativní analýza textů a návštěvnická percepce
Monika Fournial, Nina Wanča
Texts are a common part of museum exhibitions and help the visitor to orientate in the topic and to support the understanding of the museum content. The quality of the texts, therefore, has a big impact on visitor satisfaction and appropriate attention should be given to the preparation of the text.…
Svatební čamara J. V. Sládka – její průzkum a fenomén národního oděvu 19. století v historickém kontextu
Dominika Nagyová
Josef Václav Sládek was a very important personality of the post-revolutionary years 1848–49. He was not only a successful poet and a journalist, but also an excellent translator from English to Czech language, a photographer, an assistant at the National Museum and on his journey through America he…
Americká cesta Viléma Pflanzera
Pavla Hubáčková
Vilém Pflanzer, a friend of Vojta Náprstek, travelled to America in 1847–48. On the basis of this trip, he kept a diary, which, together with the correspondence between him and Náprstek, is preserved in the archive of the Náprstek Museum. This study examines Pflanzer’s journey, reflects on the…
Tetovaná lidská kůže a preparovaná hlava: lekce z vystavování dějin
Václav Sixta
The paper deals with the recently opened permanent exhibition of the Army Museum Žižkov, specifically its presentation of the topic of holocaust. The approaches used in the exhibition are put into the context of the development of exhibiting atrocities, genocide and human remains from the 1950’s to…
Zpráva z konference Aktuální trendy v muzejní prezentaci a edukaci na téma Proměny profese muzejního edukátora
Magdalena Šenovská
The report deals with the two-day conference Current Trends in Museum Presentation and Education on the topic of Changes in the profession of a museum educator, which took place in autumn 2022 in Dietrichstein Palace in Brno. There were 17 lecturers, who presented educational or research projects of…
Workshop Jak vystavovat environmentální témata v paměťových institucích?
Michaela Smidová
The report presents the workshop How to exhibit environmental topics in memory institutions? That took place on the 19th April in the National Museum in Prague. It was organized in cooperation between the Centre for the Presentation of Cultural Heritage and the Committee of Museum Historians of the…
Se lvem za svobodu: Československá samostatná obrněná brigáda za II. světové války
Vladimíra Podaná
The exhibition With a Lion For Freedom: Czechoslovak Independent Armored Brigade in World War II was curated by the Regional Museum in Cesky Krumlov in order to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the World War II. The first extensive exhibition dedicated exclusively to the Czechoslovak ground…
Formanová, Markéta (ed.) Metodika edukace v muzeích a expozicích zaměřených na loutkářství
Jana Košová, Markéta Formanová, Veronika Plachá