ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
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Audioprůvodce – běžná součást, nebo nadstavba expozice?
Zdeňka Kulhavá
The article deals with the possibilities of using audio guides in current museum exhibitions. It represents their potential, risks of implementation and also the limits that they may represent for visitors during a routine inspection of memory institutions. At the same time, through the author‘s own…
Unikáty oděvní sbírky Oddělení dějin tělesné výchovy a sportu Národního muzea
Šárka Rámišová
The Department of the History of Physical Education and Sport of the National Museum preserves among others also numerous textile objects that document physical education and sport activities in our region. From the mid-19th century to the present day, sport has been interwoven with the cultural and…
Rytířské turnaje a klání ve středověké a raně novověké Praze a jejich obraz ve sbírkách pražských muzeí
Karolína Snellgrove
Knightly games were a type of physical activity typical for the Middle Ages and early modern period, although they were taking place to a lesser extent and in various modifications also in the 18th and 19th centuries. With a few exceptions, the organizers were rulers and nobility, so we include them…
Bádat, vystavovat a chránit archivy lidských myslí: Inspirace ze setkání s Mariou Buko
Jiří Šabek
The article is a report from a meeting of the Center for the Presentation of Cultural Heritage representative with the Polish historian and sociologist Maria Buko, the former head of the Oral History Archive at the Warsaw History Meeting House. The text presents the history and present of the oral…
Zpráva z konference Muzeum pro návštěvníky IV: Virtuální komunikace (nejen) v době koronavirové
Magdalena Bližňáková
The report deals with a two-day conference organized by Centre for the Presentation of Cultural Heritage of the National Museum, which focused on educational, presentation and marketing strategies of Czech and Slovak museums and galleries during the coronavirus pandemic. It briefly introduces the…
Paměti z karantény
Martin Krsek
The Ústí nad Labem Municipal Museum‘s “Memoirs from Quarantine” campaign aimed to reach and engage seniors during the pandemic lockdown period in 2020. The campaign attracted great interest in the region as well as outside the borders of the Czech Republic and managed to enrich the museum‘s…
Elektronický divadelní archiv, zvaný EDA – databáze divadelních inscenací
Markéta Trávníčková
The database of theatre productions Electronic Theatre Archive (EDA) is one of the multiple outcomes of an extensive grant project funded by the NAKI II Route Towards Theatre grant program, which is focused on the preservation and analysis of theatre playbills as a unique source of information. The…