ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Studium nestabilního žlutého barviva svatebních šatů z roku 1890 a jejich restaurování
Markéta Škrdlantová, Jana Sanyová, Květa Pavlíčková, Martina Ohlídalová
A very serious problem in textile restoration is unstable coloring. It is often difficult to reveal, but its impact on the restoration of objects can be substantial and irreversible. One such example is a wedding dress from 1890, from the historical collections of the National Museum. The dress is…
Restaurátorský průzkum a metodika zásahu u předmětu kombinovaného z křišťálu a kovu
Aranka Součková Daňková, Klára Drábková, Zuzana Zlámalová Cílová, Jana Mánková
During conservation treatment of objects made from different materials, it is necessary to know the properties of the represented materials and factors that can influence their degradation. Due to the character of the studied object, created mainly from rock crystal and metal rings decorated with…
Restaurování vitráží z kostela svatého Jakuba Většího v Žebnici – shrnutí poznatků komplexního průzkumu
Zuzana Zlámalová Cílová, Šárka Msallamová, Romana Kozáková, Michaela Knězů Knížová, Martin Fořt
This paper summarizes information from the comprehensive exploration of all materials represented on a stained glass panel dating to the mid-14th century. The samples of glass, the corrosion layers, crusts and painting on glass were characterized by SEM/EDS, as well as samples of lead profiles and…
Merojské sousoší boha Amona a bohyně Mut – restaurování pomocí 3-D technologií
Alexander Gatzsche
In 2012 the Archaeological Expedition to Wad Ben Naga, Sudan, of the Czech National Museum, made a unique discovery in the ruins of the so-called Typhonium - a temple dedicated to the originally Egyptian goddess Mut and dating to the 1st century C.E. Numerous fragments of a sandstone double statue…
Restaurování plastiky z papírmašé
Kateřina Šikolová, Veronika Kopecká
This article deals with the conservation of artworks containing papier-mâché. It presents example of complete restoration of a combined artwork – God’s grave from Valašské museum in nature. The process of conservation also contained wide research of literature that covered the theme of God’s grave…
Památník Jakuba z Zinnenburku – průzkum a restaurování
Radka Pavlovská, Radomír Slovik
This article deals with the conservation of a manuscript from the National Museum Archive’s collections – an early 17th century noble Album amicorum (Friendships album). The physical condition of the album before conservation treatment was dire. Serious deterioration of paper caused by the leaking…
Jednotný modulární systém dálkového on-line sledování environmentálních parametrů depozitářů a expozic
Jaroslav Valach, Michael Kotyk, Michal Pech, Petra Štefcová, Karel Juliš, Jiří Frankl
Modern information and communication technology offers many new possibilities for the care of the physical condition of cultural heritage objects. This paper briefly presents the monitoring systém developed during the research project of „Unified modular systém of remote on-line monitoring of…
Čištění sádrové plastiky
Eva Kuldová
The plaster bust of Karolína Světlá by the sculptor Augustine Zoula from the collections of the City of Prague Museum was dirtied by dust and other atmospheric pollutants. The bust was also stained, cracked and bore traces of other mechanical damage. The article deals with selecting an appropriate…