ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Muzejní teorie a praxe v první polovině 20. století: příklad Jana Hofmana
Pavel Šopák
The art historian, conservationist and museum worker Jan
Hofman (1883–1945), one of the leading lights in interwar heritage
preservation in Czechoslovakia, is an overlooked figure in historical
museology. As an art historian he followed the Viennese school of art
history, and at the same time…
Výstava Pravěk Československa (1958) v Národním muzeu: Světlo, zvuk a pohyb v roli průvodce návštěvníka
Ivana Kocichová
The Prehistory of Czechoslovakia exhibition, which opened at
the National Museum on 28th February 1958, not only took what was at
that time an entirely original museological approach in the form of
a continuous exhibition case showing an uninterrupted chronological
interpretation of Prehistory.…
Muzejní expozice jako specifické edukační médium – prezentace výsledků výzkumného šetření
Petra Šobáňová
The paper presents the results of qualitative research examining
Czech museum exhibitions and their educative aspects. It introduces
museum exhibition as a specific teaching medium and as an environment
in which visitors can spontaneously learn something new
or take part in a directed educative…
Nové postupy při ošetření geologických vzorků postižených degradací disulfidů železa (pyrit a markazit)
Boris Ekrt, Michal Novák, Jan Sklenář, Zuzana Gazdová
Iron disulphide degradation poses a continuing threat to geoscience
collections. Pyrite and marcasite are especially susceptible to
oxidation, the products of which eventually totally destroy the specimens.
Only a few efficient methods of acute conservation have been…
Sám sobě průvodcem aneb Využití fuzzy expertního systému pro prohlídku muzejní expozice pomocí chytrého telefonu
Lukáš Najbrt, Jana Kapounová
The article describes the „Virtual Guide“ system and its
development. It is a self-guided tour system for a personalized tour of
the museum exhibition based on the fuzzy expert system and designed
for smart mobile devices. Its aim is to enhance the educational benefit
of the exhibition. The…
Dokumentace divadelní práce pro muzejní sbírky: reflexe projektu Divadelního oddělení Národního muzea
Veronika Musilová Kyrianová
This text presents a project implemented last year by the Theatre
Department of the National Museum involving several freelancers.
The project focused on the documentation of the present day, specifically
on documenting the origin of theatre production during the rehearsal
process. The aim of…
Dobrovolnický program Národního muzea
Ludmila Tůmová
In February 2015 the National Museum officially launched its
volunteer program. The support and the involvement of the museum employees
allowed many volunteer positions to be created through the whole
museum. The volunteers are mostly involved in working with the museum
collections and…
Využití sociálních sítí v kulturních institucích: Případová studie online komunikace Muzea Karla Zemana
Denisa Lešková, Anna Marie Němcová, Nina Seyčková, Michaela Slussareff
Social media and modern communication technologies that we
use on a daily basis are changing our habits and how we communicate,
and have a direct impact on our decision-making. An official statement
of the Czech Statistical Office from 2014, mapping IT/ICT use, reports
that communication is…