

ISSN : 1211-0329 (print) 1804-6495 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Jiří Sejkora, PhD.

Minerální asociace fosfátů z Čížové u Písku (Česká republika)

An interesting phoshate mineral assemblage was found in temporary open cut 700 m W from Čížová near Písek, southern Bohemia, Czech Republic. Fluorapatite forms abundant white veins up to 1 cm thick and white spherical aggregates in cavities; minor contents of carbonate ions were observed; its…

Churchit-(Y) z uranového ložiska Zálesí v Rychlebských horách (Česká republika)

Relatively rare yttrium phosphate, churchite-(Y), was found at mine dump in the abandoned uranium deposit Zálesí in the Rychlebské hory Mountains (Czech Republic). Churchite-(Y) forms light grey and white-grey globular aggregates up to 0.5 mm in size composed by tiny tabular crystals. Churchite-(Y)…

Meneghinit a boulangerit z lomu Prachovice v Železných horách, Česká republika

Two new primary ore minerals, meneghinite and boulangerite, were found in the active quarry near Prachovice in the Železné hory Mountains, Czech Republic. Both minerals and galena intergrow in silver-grey needle aggregates up to 6 cm on fissures of the silurian and devonian limestones. Meneghinite…

Chemická variabilita granitu typu Černá kočka čisteckého masivu

The Černá kočka muscovite alkali feldspar granite, occurring on the SE border of the Čistá granitoide massif, has been hitherto chemically characterized by a single analysis only. The present contribution, using 46 new unpublished chemical analyses from a technological report, offers in a series of…

Stilbit-Ca z amfibolitového kamenolomu Markovice u Čáslavi (Česká republika)

Stilbite-Ca was found in the active Markovice amphibolite quarry near Čáslav (Czech Republic). It crystallizes there as white, yellowish to reddish vitreous aggregates with columnar crystal shape, about 1 mm in the size. The crystals grow in the prehnite pocket which has about 5 cm in diameter.…

Titanit v horninách západního granitoidového komplexu brněnského masivu

Paragenetic and chemical variability of minerals from Western Granitoid Complex of the Brno Massif demonstrate wide spectrum of processes that lead to the formation of titanite in metamorphic and igneous rocks. Titanite is a common accessory or secondary mineral in amphibole-biotite to biotite…

Agardit-(Y) z ložiska Sn-W Cínovec v Krušných horách (Česká republika)

Rare Y-REE copper arsenate, mineral agardite-(Y), was found in the material from the abandoned Sn-W deposit, Krušné hory Mountains, northern Bohemia, Czech Republic. Agardite-(Y) forms very light green hemispherical to spherical aggregates up to 0.2 mm in association with green chrysocolla and…