ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Restaurování fragmentu kasule z poloviny 17. století: Nové metody lokálního čištění historického textilu
Dana Fagová, Veronika Šulcová
The National Museum collections include a liturgical vestment
in form of a fragment of a chasuble dating back to the mid-17th century.
The fragment is a very interesting example of rustic embroidery. As the
textile was in poor condition it needed to be restored, a process which
included cleaning…
Aspekte zur Verwirklichung ethischer Grundsätze in Museen
Hildegard K. Vieregg
Significant changes in museum studies – up to the commercialization
– show that the basic remits of amuseum should be permanently
reflected and modified in accordance with the ICOM Code of Ethics. Museum Ethics was discussed in the USA already in the 1920s. The latest results of the “Ethics…
Zpráva o knize a využití moderních technologií při prezentaci knižních exponátů
Vilma Hubáčková
The Book Report exhibition is an example of modern technologies
serving the presentation of the book exhibits. The exhibition arranged for the
50th anniversary of the first competition for the Most Beautiful Czech Book
of the Year occupied a special place in the context of book exhibitions…
Projekt Národního filmového muzea jako zkušební prostor pokročilé muzejní komunikace
Jakub Jiřiště
This text describes the basic conceptual starting points and the
results achieved by the student project NaFilM: National Film Museum,
which aims to improve the unsatisfactory public presentation of the national
film heritage and also make use of the untapped communication
potential of film as…
Experimentální spojení Moravské galerie v Brně a studentského videomappingového projektu
Eva Strouhalová, Jana Francová
The paper deals with various forms of communication of large
museum institutions with the public, and particularly the university students.
Also, the paper deliver analyses communication media in use of
the Moravian Gallery in Brno as an example. The complementary „Experiment
Využití metod kooperativního učení při interpretaci obsahů muzeálií jako vhodná cesta k podpoře prosociálního chování žáků
Kateřina Tomešková
The presented contribution pertains to the museology educational
matters. Aiming to a wider understanding of the formative part,
this topic corresponds to the final outcomes of the research of educational
potential of the Comenius Museum in Přerov. Detailed studies
of the museology educational…
Výstava Afghánistán – zachráněné poklady buddhismu v Náprstkově muzeu asijských, afrických a amerických kultur
Ľubomír Novák, Martina Ohlídalová, Petra Belaňová
In February 2016, a valuable collection of objects was presented
to the public in the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American
Cultures through the exhibition Afghanistan – Rescued Treasures of Buddhism.
The collection was transported to the Czech Republic all the way
from the heart of…