

ISSN : 1211-0329 (print) 1804-6495 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Jiří Sejkora, PhD.

Kašperskohorské zlato (Šumava, Česká republika)

The paper summarises historical reports of gold findings and their variable fineness, observation of previous geological and mineralogical research and results of new mineralogical study on museum samples of abundant macroscopic gold from the Kašperské Hory gold-bearing ore district (Šumava…

Polykras-(Y), uranpolykras a Ti-Nb-Ta-Fe minerál v kremenných žilách a exokontaktných zónách gemerika, Slovenské rudohorie

Accessory polycrase-(Y), uranopolycrase and rutile-like Ti,Nb,Ta,Fe-mineral have been identified in quartz and quartz albitite veins, and silicified phyllites in exocontact zones of tin-bearing granites of the Spiš-Gemer region, Slovak Ore Mountains, eastern Slovakia. Polycrase-(Y) is partly…

Klebelsbergit Sb4O4(OH)2SO4 z Au-Ag ložiska Kremnica, Slovenská republika

Rare supergene antimony sulphate klebelsbergite was found in the abandoned mine adit at 1st vein system of the Kremnica epithermal Au-Ag deposit, Slovak Republic. It forms yellow or white radial and spherical aggregates up to 3 mm, which are consisted of tabular and acicular crystals. Aggregates of…

Výskyt parkeritu v uranovém rudním revíru Horní Slavkov (Česká republika)

The rare nickel and bismuth sulphide, parkerite, has been found at mine dump of mine No. 11, the uranium ore district Horní Slavkov, Slavkovský les Mountains (Czech Republic). It forms irregular aggregates up to 100 μm in association with bismuthinite intensive replaced older aggregates of native…

Historické důlní dílo pod vrchem Vítkov v Praze, Česká republika

In course of the tunneling of the new railway tunnels (so-called Nové spojení) below the Vítkov Hill in Prague was found the old and unknown mining working - adit about total length ca 120 metres. This adit is by technical remainder probably of the prospecting activities of raw materials in the…

Neobvyklý P-, Li- a Sn-bohatý pegmatit z Vernéřova u Aše, Česká republika

Pegmatite from Vernéřov near Aš (W Bohemia) forms a steeply dipping, about 1 m stick, more than 1 km long dyke, examined to the depth more than 200 m. The pegmatite is homogeneous, without any type of zonality. The major pegmatite dyke is accompanied by a swarm of thin (up to 10 cm thick) veins. The…

Pískovce z Pražského hradu a okolí

Study of eleven pieces of quartz sandstones come from an archaeological collection of Prague´s Castle showed at least two different rocks provenances. Fine greenish - yellowish soft clayey sandstones, which contain also a small portion of calcite and glauconite was designated as „Zápy“ sandstones,…

Andorit IV a andorit VI z Dúbravy v Nízkych Tatrách (Slovenská republika)

The first occurrence of Ag-Pb-Sb sulphosalts was described from Sb mineralization in Tatric Unit in the Western Carpathians. Rare microscopic grains of andorites up to 0.05 mm were identified in antimony deposit Dúbrava (Nízke Tatry Mts., Central Slovakia). Andorites forms inclusions in stibnite.…

Mineralogie metamanganolitu z lokality Mísečky u Vernířovic (Česká republika)

Two types of metamanganolite were found at the locality Mísečky near Vernířovice in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (northeastern part of the Bohemian Massif, the Czech Republic): (1) pinkish fine-grained quartz-garnet metamanganolite, and (2) grey-green chlorite-quartz-garnet metamanganolite,…

První výskyt Sn-sulfidů v jílovském zlatonosném revíru (Česká republika)

The first occurrence of Sn-sulphides (stannite and kësterite) was determined in sulphide aggregates in quartz gangue from the mine Bohuliby, the Jílové gold-bearing ore district, central Bohemia (Czech Republic). The Sn-sulphides form myrmekitic aggregates up to 200 μm in size enclosed in…