

ISSN : 1211-0329 (print) 1804-6495 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Jiří Sejkora, PhD.

Hydrotermální alterace a mineralizace uranového ložiska Nahošín jz. od Blatné, Česká republika

Uranium deposit located near the Nahošín village, 10 km SW of Blatná (southwestern Bohemia, Czech Republic) was one of the last (1978 - 1989) explored uranium deposits in the Czech Republic. The deposit Nahošín is situated in the Chanovice part of Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex represented here…

Nové mineralogické nálezy na Sn-W ložisku Cínovec v Krušných horách (Česká republika)

Rare supergene minerals of the crandallite-group (florencite-(Ce), goayzite, crandallite), thometzekite and walpurgite were found at the material from abandoned Sn-W deposit Cínovec, the Krušné hory Mountains, northern Bohemia, Czech Republic. Crandallite-group minerals form strongly zoned orange to…

Supergénna síra z antimonitového ložiska Chyžné-Herichová, Slovenská republika

Supergene sulphur was found in the abandoned mine adit of the Chyžné-Herichová hydrothermal antimony deposit. Mostly it forms yellow rounded crystals up to 1 mm, rarely have some crystals skeletal habit. Sulphur crystals growth on the weathered stibnite, kermesite, valentinite in association with…

Dolování cinabaritu v Horních Lubech u Chebu, Česká republika

The stratiform deposit of mercury in Horní Luby near Cheb (Czech Republic) is developed within Ordovician phyllites of Vogtland - Saxony Paleozoic Unit, in the Saxothuringian Zone of the Bohemian Massif. Ore mineralization is represented by grains of cinnabar with the size in the range of 0.0X to X…

Výskyt vzácného Ag-Hg sulfidu - imiteritu - v materiálu z haldy dolu Lill (černojamské ložisko), březohorský rudní revír, Česká republika

A rare Ag-Hg sulfide, imiterite, was found at mine dump of the mine Lill, the Černojamské ore deposit, Příbram, central Bohemia (Czech Republic). Imiterite forms crystals up to 0.5 mm in length with metallic luster forming aggregates in small cavity of gangue represented by dominant…

Mottramit z vápencového kamenolomu Smrčník, Horní Lipová u Jeseníku (Česká republika)

Supergene Pb-Cu vanadate mottramite was found in the limestone quarry Smrčník near Horní Lipová, Silesia, Czech Republic. The mineral forms black-brown, locally slightly greenish and brown translucent coatings consisting of tiny (ca 0.05 mm, max. 0.15 mm large) semi-spheroidal aggregates that rest…

Mineralogie uranového zrudnění z lokality Dlažov u Klatov (Česká republika)

An interesting mineral assemblage consisting of uraninite, anilite, covellite, clausthalite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and naumannite? accompanied with wulfenite and supergene uranium minerals was identified using electron microprobe and XRD in material collected in dumps of the small abandoned…

P-Al-Th-REE obohatený zirkón a fáza blízka cheralitu v apliticko-pegmatitickom granofýre na lokalite Dubová - Horné Trávniky pro Modré (Malé Karpaty, jz. Slovensko)

Accessory zircon and cheralite-like phase occur in Hercynian quartz - K-feldspar - albite aplitic granophyre dike cutting Devonian Ca-skarn and marbles in the Dubová, Horné Trávniky near Modra, SW Slovakia. Zircon forms euhedral to subhedral crystals. Zircon shows 1.5 to 2.7 wt. % HfO2, Zr/Hfwt.…

Corkit z Nové Vsi u Rýmařova (Česká republika)

A supergene Pb-Fe sulfate/phosphate of alunite-jarosite family was identified in gossan of a base metal deposit at Nová Ves near Rýmařov, Czech Republic. The mineral forms ochre-brown semi-spheroidal aggregates up to 1.5 mm in size of glassy luster growing on limonite in cavities and also occurring…

Owyheeit z rudního revíru Freiberg (SRN) a jeho doprovodné minerály

Rare sulphosalt mineral owyheeite was determined in historical museum sample from Beschert Glück mine of the Brand-Erbisdorf deposit, the Freiberg ore district (Germany). Owyheeite forms there lath-like or acicular crystals up to 600 μm in size in diaphorite aggregates or xenomorphic aggregates…