ISSN : 0029-6074
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Lenka Vacinová, Ph.D.
Editor in Chief : Mgr. Lenka Vacinová, Ph.D.
Portrét Alexandra III. Velikého (336–323 př. Kr.) na mincích
Michal Mašek
Pictures on the obverse side of the silver coins of Alexander the Great are commonly regarded to be portraits of the King himself. However, since the same portrait was also used by his predecessors, this theory cannot be accepted. It can only be assumed that the head of Heracles gradually became to…
Addenda k typom keltských mincí z oppida Hradiště u Stradonic
Július Fröhlich
The documented three coins, until now unrecorded among the finds from the Hradiště near Stradonice, extend the range of Celtic coin types that were imported to this oppidum from the west. The first one, an unusual stater of the Kellner I B type, is important in the Czech area since most of the coins…
Denár Karla II. Holého nalezený v Chotěšově
Martin Čechura, Pavel Břicháček
An early medieval silver denier of the West Frankish King and Emperor Charles II the Bald (843–877) was found during a metal detector survey of a wellknown polycultural site with remnants of settlements from the Neolithic to the High Middle Ages Periods. Despite small traces of corrosion, the coin…
Dálkové kontakty Netolicka v raném středověku. Svědectví mincí a ozdob
Naďa Profantová, Jan Videman, Zdeněk Štěpančík
In this text, we present five extraordinary metal finds from the area of Netolice, the Prachatice District, dated to the period from the end of the 8th to the 10th centuries. Only two of them (a gilded belt strap end decorated with niello, and an imitative coin based on the Bavarian type) are…
Ještě ke slavníkovskému mincovnictví
Zdeněk Petráň
The essay recalls the period of the beginnings of Czech coinage and some problems that still persist. Apart from the questions related to the chronology and dating of the individual Přemyslid and Slavnikid denier types, their attribution remains the dominating issue. Due to the absence of other…
Dva dosud nepublikované nálezy denárů Boleslava III.
Jiří Lukas
Two rare Boleslaus III cross / chapel deniers of the Cach 189 and Cach 200 types have been found recently by treasure hunters using metal detectors. The issue of the cross / chapel denier types, to which both described coins belong, is dated to the period of the first reign of Boleslaus III, i.e.,…
Nálezy českých raně středověkých denárů z archeologických výzkumů v Litoměřicích
Jiří Militký
In 2000, a rescue archaeological survey was conducted on the premises of today’s nursing home on the Dómský Hill, the place of early medieval hillfort. During the excavations, three rare early medieval coins were found. These are deniers of the Dukes Jaromír (Cach 1970, no. 256), Vladislav II (Cach…
Praha-Vinoř. Opevněné centrum prvních Přemyslovců ve světle mincovních nálezů
Ivo Štefan, Jiří Lukas, Kamil Smíšek, Jan Hasil
The study presents single coin finds obtained by the systematic metal detector survey from the area of the settlement complex in Prague-Vinoř. Here, a stronghold of the first Přemyslids with an associated settlement were established at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries. In the 11th and 12th…
Vídeňské feniky z hradu u Boršova nad Vltavou
Jan John, Daniel Kovář
The article informs about three Vienna pfennigs from the area of a castle near Boršov nad Vltavou (České Budějovice District), found during a metal detector survey in 2018. All three pfennigs were struck during the reign of Rudolf I of Habsburg in 1276–1282. The coins in combination with the written…
Polskie znaleziska brandenburskich denarów askańskich podrabianych w epoce (ok. 1295–1300)
Tadeusz Szczurek
During archaeological excavations in Ostrow Lednicki in Greater Poland, and Lubrza in Silesia, two deniers were discovered which, according to their designs, refer to the Brandenburg deniers of the Ascanian Period. However, they differ from the original Margravial issues in a more primitive…
Skarb groszy praskich z Wodzisławia
Marta Kazanowicz-Milejska, Paweł Milejski
The hoard of Prague groschen was discovered by chance at the Krzywa Street in Wodzisław (Jędrzejowski County, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland) in 1949. Three ceramic vessels were found filled with silver and copper coins. The vessels were located close to each other but due to the accidental…
Český kruhový peníz střížkem pro vídeňský fenik – záhada pokračuje?
Pavel Gregor
The subject of this article is the previously presented round penny with a lion restruck with a Vienna pfennig. To identify the denominations, a computer-generated 3D model was used which showed the height of the relief in false colours. A detailed analysis of the individual parts of the coin image…
Hornolužický měnový systém počátkem 40. let 16. století
Petr Vorel
The article deals with the issue of a real circulating coins and accounting units used at the beginning of the 1540s in the Upper Lusatia. As a main source served the account books of the Vienna Court Chamber from 1543–1544. They preserve both the conversion of the purchasing power of the coins used…
Rybnice 1934. Revize, doplnění a upřesnění nálezu mincí 17. století
Miroslav Hus
In 1934, a coin hoard was found near village of Rybnice (Plzeň-North District). Unfortunately, only 9 coins have been preserved in the Klatovy Museum, the rest of the hoard did not survive. In 2018, the Museum and Gallery of the Northern Plzeň Region in Mariánská Týnice obtained another 18 coins…
Armádní kříže z let 1813/1814 v Chaurově sbírce
Michal Lutovský, Jakub Anderle
The Chaura unique numismatic collection, currently part of the collections of the National Muzeum which plans to gradually publish it, also involves a small phaleristics collection. There, a set of eight Army Crosses from years 1813/1814 stands out. The miniature and additionally revised decoration…
Pamětní mince vydané v roce 2020
Šárka Vicherová
The Czech National Bank has issued a total of eight commemorative coins in 2020. Five of them were jubilee silver 200 CZK pieces, celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Joachimsthal thalers, the 200th Birth Anniversary of Božena Němcová, the 100th Anniversary of the foundation of the Secondary…