ISSN : 1214-0627
Editor in Chief : Woitschová Klára
Editor in Chief : Woitschová Klára
Češi a Němci ve vzduchu. Počátky bezmotorového létání v meziválečném Československu
Jana Mezerová
This article looks at the reflection of national rivalry in sport. During the interwar period, the foundations for
unpowered flight were laid in the newly formed Czechoslovakia. The development of this field of sport, however,
would not have been possible without German influence. Germany was…
Ženské světové hry
Jitka Schůtová
The beginnings of women’s sport at the end of the 19th century brought fears of the damaging impact of competition on women’s health, and this opinion continued to persist even after the First World War, when women’s athletics began to get going. Nevertheless, from the 1920s we can observe a marked…
Lyžařští šampioni první republiky
Lucie Swierczeková
This article looks at the status of ski sports in Czechoslovakia during the First Republic and skiing competitions,
and outlines the successes and problems of ski sports during this period. It focuses in particular on two athletes
who were amongst the best skiers in Czechoslovakia during this…
Organizace československého tenisu v meziválečném období
Marcela Strouhalová
Czech tennis has been organised since 1906 when the Czech Lawn Tennis Association was founded. The activities of its tennis divisions were interrupted by war, and the organisation’s activities began again in December 1918 through the Czechoslovak Lawn Tennis Association. From a small association…
39 Turistika na Rychnovsku mezi dvěma válkami
Marie Durmanová
This contribution looks at the understanding of leisure, and especially sports, activities and their realisation within the Živnostenská banka Clerks’ Club, which was an association of employees of the largest Czechoslovak financial institution in the interwar period. It aims to show the changes in…
„Dalekosáhlý jest význam sportu pro každého pracujícího člověka“. Názory na úlohu sportu v životě úředníka Živnostenské banky
Jakub Kunert
This contribution looks at the understanding of leisure, and especially sports, activities and their realisation within the Živnostenská banka Clerks’ Club, which was an association of employees of the largest Czechoslovak financial institution in the interwar period. It aims to show the changes in…
Dělnická turistika v meziválečném Československu
Jan Štemberk
The objective of this contribution is to outline the development trends and specific nature of walking and hiking
for the lower social classes during the interwar period in Czechoslovakia. Its main focus will be on Czech ‘workers’
walking and hiking associations (The Unions of Czechoslovak Worker…
65 Šport na trati Praha – Brno – Bratislava. Šišatá lopta na cestách
Igor Machajdík
The aim of this contribution is to outline evolution of sport movement in Slovakia during the existence of the I. Czechoslovak Republic, particularly in Bratislava that was characterized from this perspective by specific conditions, significantly influencing this acitivity. All this is based on the…
Americký klub dam a propagace tělesných cvičení
Milena Secká
This article shows readers Vojta Nápstek’s relations with sport and other physical activities which he supported.
It introduces readers to the recreational activities of the American Ladies’ Club and looks at the beginnings of
women’s physical fitness training.
Poznávací zájezdy československých občanů do sovětského Ruska v meziválečném období z pohledu archivních pramenů Ruské federace
Jan Lomíček
This contribution examines the phenomenon of Czechoslovak citizens travelling to the Soviet Union during the interwar period, using analyses of archive materials. The institutions which had a major impact on the nature of the sightseeing within the USSR were the All-Union Society for Cultural…