„Dalekosáhlý jest význam sportu pro každého pracujícího člověka“. Názory na úlohu sportu v životě úředníka Živnostenské banky

Pages 45–54
Citation KUNERT, Jakub . „Dalekosáhlý jest význam sportu pro každého pracujícího člověka“. Názory na úlohu sportu v životě úředníka Živnostenské banky. Journal of the National Museum. History Series. Prague: National Museum, 2014, 183(3-4), 45–54. ISSN 1214-0627. Also available from: https://publikace.nm.cz/en/periodicals/jotnmhs/183-3-4/dalekosahly-jest-vyznam-sportu-pro-kazdeho-pracujiciho-cloveka-nazory-na-ulohu-sportu-v-zivote-urednika-zivnostenske-banky
Journal of the National Museum. History Series | 2014/183/3-4

This contribution looks at the understanding of leisure, and especially sports, activities and their realisation within the Živnostenská banka Clerks’ Club, which was an association of employees of the largest Czechoslovak financial institution in the interwar period. It aims to show the changes in approach to sport over the existence of this banking institute, and considers in what way this kind of activity was projected into the role of management in the professional development of banking officialdom. As such, it examines the way of thinking of officialdom, which was an important component of the middle class at this time.

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