Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia is a peer-reviewed journal publishing scholarly texts in Czech, Slovak or English belonging to fields of interest for the historical museums and archives. It especially focuses on museum collections and collecting. It covers the areas of Archaeology, Medieval History as well as Modern History and Contemporary History, Numismatics, Ethnography, Art History or History of Sports. The journal has been published since 1938 (till August 2017 it was named Sborník Národního muzea v Praze, řada A – Historie / Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, series A – Historia).
Every year, two double issues, usually monothematic, are published. The monothematic issue can be proposed by and prepared in cooperation with the external editors. The monothematic double issue can, however, include a separate paper on a different topic.
We accept both suggestions for topics of central focus for the double issues and individual papers, critical reviews, news items and commentaries.
The scientific papers which the editorial team considers for publishing undergo an anonymous and independent review process. Each scientific paper is reviewed by two independent external academics.
Please email your topic suggestions and contributions to
We accept both suggestions for topics of central focus for the annual double issue and individual papers, critical reviews, news items and commentaries.
Please email your topic suggestions and contributions to We accept manuscripts in .doc, .docx and .rtf formats along with a cover letter including your address and email contact.
Manuscripts of papers are to be sent in two versions: 1) in full version including an abstract, key words, author information, contact address and email; 2) in an anonymous version which must be identical to the full one, except for the data permitting to identify the author. The editorial team reserves the right to anonymise the text before its submission for the review process.
Papers submitted should range in length from10 to 35 standard pages (1800 characters including spaces), critical reviews should not exceed 7 standard pages, whereas news and commentaries should not go beyond 5 standard pages. The texts can be written in Czech, Slovak or in English. Each paper should include an English abstract (one or two paragraphs), and a list of three to seven English keywords. Both the abstract and the key words can be submitted in Czech and the editorial team would, in such case, provide the translation. The text should use 12-point font, a line spacing of 1,5, and the footnotes should employ 10-point font and a line spacing of 1. Scientific papers must contain footnotes and bibliography.
Images, photographs, tables, figures and any other visual support, must be submitted as separate files, ideally as images in .tif format, or in the case of tables, in MS Excel format. The author holds responsibility for obtaining the copyright and reproduction rights for the submitted material.
The editorial team provides only the final proofreading of the manuscript; therefore, any text requiring extensive editing will be returned to the author for revision. Respecting both the instructions for authors and our citation standards is a mandatory requirement for all submitted texts.
Direct speech should be in italics and enclosed in inverted commas. An ellipsis should be signalled by three dots. The use of abbreviations in the text should be preceded by the abbreviated expression in full. For example: The National Museum (hereinafter NM). Refer to sources in footnotes. Insert footnotes with AutoFormat.
Archival material
When citing archival material, proceed from the more general to the more specific. First, indicate the name of the institution (the archives) and where it is located, then mention the name of the collection and lastly identify the source in more detail.
Monument of national literature, Literary archives, Prague, fond Františka Plamínková, inv. no. 1724, petition to the Czech Bohemian Diet, p. 1
Monograph by one author
Author’s first name followed by LAST NAME, Monograph title, place and year of publication, page range.
Reinhart KOSELLECK, Futures Past: On the Semantics of Historical Time, Cambridge, 1985, pp. 1-10.
If the source is repeated:
Author’s first name initial followed by LAST NAME, Abbreviated book title, quoted page(s).
R. KOSELLECK, Futures Past, p. 9.
Monograph by two or more authors
Authors’ first and LAST NAMES separated by a dash, Monograph title, place and year of publication, page range.
Jiří KÖSSL – Marek WAIC, Český tramping 1918-1945, Liberec 1992, pp. 59-62.
If the source is repeated:
Authors’ first name initials and LAST NAMES separated by a dash, Abbreviated book title, quoted page(s).
J. KÖSSL – M. WAIC, Český tramping, p. 59.
Chapter in a collective monograph
Author’s first name followed by LAST NAME, chapter title, in: Author’s first name followed by LAST NAME(S) of the editor(s) (ed./edd.,eds.), Monograph title, place and year of publication, page range.
Dana MUSILOVÁ, Mothers of the Nation: Women’s Vote in the Czech Republic, in: Blanca RODRÍGUEZ-RUIZ – Ruth RUBIO-MARÍN (eds.), The struggle for Female Suffrage in Europe, Leiden – Boston 2012, pp. 208 – 223.
If the source is repeated:
Author’s first name initial followed by LAST NAME, Abbreviated chapter title, quoted page(s).
D. MUSILOVÁ, Mothers of the Nation, p. 208.
Article in a journal
Author’s first name followed by LAST NAME, Article title, journal title, year of publication, volume number, issue number, page range.
Rudolf de Cilla – Martin Reisigl – Ruth Wodak, The Discursive Construction of National Identities, in Discourse&Society, vol. 10, no. 2, pp.149-73.
Call for authors
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia 1–2/2021 and 3–4/2021
Topic: Women’s and gender history in the theory and practice of museums and archives
Editors: Jitka Gelnarová, Hana Krutílková
Publication languages: Czech, Slovak, English
You can find more information here