ISSN : 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online)
Editor in Chief : Pavlína Vogelová
Editor in Chief : Pavlína Vogelová
Josef Schulz – nedoceněný racionalista
Jindřich Vybíral
The reception of architect Josef Schulz’s personality and work was closely examined on the occasion of his monographic exhibition in 1992. The conservatism of this leading figure of Czech historicism influenced not only perceptions of him as an educator, but also his overall evaluation within Czech…
Cesta Josefa Schulze do Francie u příležitosti Světové výstavy v Paříži v roce 1867
Adéla Bricínová
The architect Josef Schulz (1840–1917) was sent on a study trip to the International Exposition of 1867 in Paris by the Prague Chamber of Commerce and Trade as an observer in the field of civil engineering. His trip developed into a weeks-long stay abroad, during which he visited not only the French…
Projektant či stavitel? Proměny profesně-sociálních kategorií ve stavebním odvětví 19. století na příkladu generace architekta Josefa Schulze
Tomáš Korbel
The ideological construct of a ‚divide‘ between ‚formal‘ architects and ‚practical‘ engineers stems from a common definition of their professional roles and is deeply rooted in the historiography of nineteenth-century architecture and the discourse on the development of modern architecture. However,…
Josef Schulz (a Jan Vejrych) v angažmá u ostravského důlního podnikatele Vladimíra Vondráčka
Jan Galeta
The villa of the mining entrepreneur Vladimír Vondráček once stood in Moravská Ostrava. Existing literature does not agree on whether the famous Prague architect Josef Schulz was involved in its design. This study examines this question by studying archival documents (plans, letters, construction…
Josef Schulz, architektura a fotografie
Petra Trnková
The study traces architect Josef Schulz’s early theoretical and practical interest in photography against the background of the dynamically developing field of architectural photography in the first half of the 1860s. The first part presents Schulz’s earliest known photographic works from the time…
Josef Schulz a Josef Zítek (nejen) v korespondenci
Petra Váchová
While the architect Josef Zítek was positively regarded by the emerging architectural avant-garde, his younger colleague Josef Schulz was accused of rigidity, a negative assessment that later influenced his evaluation by art historians. The frequent comparisons between these two representatives of…