ISSN : 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online)
Editor in Chief : Pavlína Vogelová
Editor in Chief : Pavlína Vogelová
Evropská muzea práce, dělnictva a demokracie jako inspirace pro nové využití stranických sbírek z období státního socialismu
Tomáš Kavka
This paper provides an entry point into the discussion on the forms of museum presentation of workers and labour in the 21st century, which can serve as inspiration for the Czech Republic, especially for new using of the collections of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. It offers an insight into…
„Hranice není normální, nenechme si ji zase vnutit“. K dokumentaci současnosti v Národním muzeu v „době covidové“
Lenka Šaldová
The study is the result of a two-year documentation project that enriched the National Museum’s collection with remarkable objects and was presented at the exhibition Border is Just a Word (Hranice je jen slovo). The author presents the initiative Saturdays for Neighbourhood (Soboty pro sousedství),…
Cestovní deníky československých sportovců
Šárka Rámišová
The travel diaries of important personalities enrich historical research with the subjective perception of the new places explored. It is no different for sportsmen and women who wrote down their observations during their foreign trips with the national team. So far, these materials have not been…
Příběh jednoho inzerátu: Když Rudé právo blahopřálo Ferdinandu Vaňkovi z Malého Hrádku
Filip Jiroušek
The author describes the circumstances of the creation of one of the most famous advertisements in Czechoslovak contemporary history. It is a birthday greeting addressed to the dissident Václav Havel, alias Ferdinand Vanek. The study makes extensive use of narrative sources, taken using the oral…