ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Kulturní dědictví národnostních a etnických menšin v expozici Dějiny 20. století v Národním muzeu
Michaela Smidová, Eliška Pekárková
The paper aims to discuss how the cultural heritage of national and ethnic minorities is presented in the permanent exhibition “History of the 20th Century” at the National Museum in Prague. It explores current approaches and trends in exhibiting minorities worldwide, focusing on national…
Significance of Museum Visitor Behavior Analysis
Tomáš Dyk, Matěj Viskupič, Martin Drahanský, Ivo Macek
The aim of the presented study is to discuss the possibilities of the use of artificial intelligence in the camera system in museums. The article discuss how visitor behavior analysis performed by artificial intelligence could gather invaluable data about visitor. The data could be used by the…
Digitalizace v paměťových institucích. Metodický postup digitalizace kinematografických záznamů
Marek Jícha
The lecture by Prof. MgA Marek Jícha, which took place at the National Museum in Prague on September 6, 2023, under the title “Digitization in Memory Institutions”, focused on the methodological approaches to digitizing analog cinematographic records and providing information to the professional…
Pečeť jako objekt zájmu digitálního světa
Barbora Borůvková
The seal is a reference to one power era of the Middle Ages. With the shift in research, we can encounter new insights that everything could have represented in its time. The overall development is linked to the availability of sphragistic material for researchers as well as within digital archives.…
Proč chodit do muzea, když ho má každý žák v telefonu? Object based learning jako budoucnost historického vzdělávání v muzejním prostředí
Bohumil Melichar
The subject of this essay is a reflection on the role of new media and information technologies in the current practice and future of museum pedagogy. The text offers an analytical assessment of the current situation, which is characterised by a certain tension between the authenticity hidden in the…
Od temnot ke světlu. Možnosti využití nástěnných maleb pražského Clam-Gallasova paláce k edukačním účelům
Markéta Gausová Zörnerová
The partial acquisition of Clam-Gallas Palace by Museum of Prague created a challenge for the museum educators. At the moment there are no comprehensive academic publications concerning the current knowledge about the architectural and artistic development of this unique building from the High…
Gewaltig viel Noten! Zpráva z výroční konference Gesellschaft für Musikforschung v říjnu 2023 na Universität des Saarlandes
Daniela Kotašová
Between October 4 and 7, 2023, a musicology conference was held, organized by the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung at the campus of Universität des Saarlandes in collaboration with the Société française de musicologie. Numerous presentations were delivered at various symposiums and panel discussions,…