ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Postkoloniální obrat v muzejnictví
Ondřej Crhák
Postcolonial debate, which has been taking place since the 1980’s, affects many fields and branches of humanities and social sciences. The area of memory institutions is no exception. A range of methods as a reaction to the postcolonial turn arose in museums in order to lead these institutions…
Vliv vzdělávacích programů na postoje žáků k antice a jejímu zastoupení v populární kultuře
Johana Stejskalová, Markéta Spitzerová
Can educational programs have an effect on pupils’ attitudes towards the given topic? An experiment on this topic was conducted among elementary school pupils. This experiment had two phases, in June 2022 students were approached with filling out a questionnaire, the research group first attended an…
Interpretace archeologických obsahů na příkladu edukačního projektu Epidemie– Pandemie–Archeologie v Západočeském muzeu v Plzni
Denisa Brejchová
Archaeology is perceived as an interdisciplinary field, and collaboration with other scientific disciplines is natural. The cooperation between archaeology and pedagogy and didactics is becoming increasingly important, especially in the context of revising educational programs and emphasizing…
Sbírka Junowicz v Náprstkově muzeu: otázka provenience, 2. část
Helena Heroldová, Marion Devigne
This case study deals with the possible provenance of ancient jade objects in the collection of the Náprstek Museum. They are part of the property of the Junowicz family in Teplice that was confiscated in 1946. The second part of the study deals with Roman Junowicz as a naval officer in China during…