Proč chodit do muzea, když ho má každý žák v telefonu? Object based learning jako budoucnost historického vzdělávání v muzejním prostředí

Stránky 28–33
DOI 10.37520/mmvp.2024.006
Klíčová slova Object base learning, inquiry based learning, new media, web 2.0, curatorship, museum pedagogy
Citace MELICHAR, Bohumil. Proč chodit do muzea, když ho má každý žák v telefonu? Object based learning jako budoucnost historického vzdělávání v muzejním prostředí. Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2024, 62(1), 28–33. DOI: ISSN 1803-0386. Dostupné také z:
Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce | 2024/62/1

The subject of this essay is a reflection on the role of new media and information technologies in the current practice and future of museum pedagogy. The text offers an analytical assessment of the current situation, which is characterised by a certain tension between the authenticity hidden in the original historical artefacts and the viral availability of their virtual copies. Are museum exhibitions threatened with extinction and the massive transition of the curated content to the online sphere? Findings from research on museum visitor behaviour suggest not. The historical authenticity hidden in original artefacts still attracts curiousity of the public and organised school groups. Importantly, however, rapid developments in the field of information technology are changing the visitor experience and presenting opportunities for curators and museum educators. They can grasp it as a tool for deepening the experience of encountering the past and for more productive developing competence and historical and historical consciousness during educational programs.

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