
ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal

ZeMě: První environmentální výstava v Národním muzeu

The case study reflects the process of creating the interactive exhibition “ZeMě”/ “The Earth is Me” (2022–2023), a pilot project of the National Museum of the Czech Republic dedicated to sustainability and global environmental change. It describes the conceptual work of an interdisciplinary team,…

Analýza vztahu mezi účastí na volnočasových aktivitách v muzeu a postoji dětských návštěvníků k muzeím. Zkušenosti z prostředí Klubu mladých archeologů

Can participation in a long-term after-school activity have any effect on participants’ attitudes towards museums? The Young Archaeologists Club, which is organised by the National Museum in Czech Republic, is an opportunity for children aged 10 to 14 with an interest in history to gain a deeper…

Prezentace migrace v evropských a českých muzeích a expozicích

The article analyzes selected European and Czech museums and permanent exhibitions that address the topic of migration in modern history. It focuses on their presentation approaches and strategies, their roles within their respective communities and target visitor groups, and, last but not least,…