

ISSN : 1803-0386
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
In the period from January 13, 2025 to January 15, 2025, the e-shop will be out of order for operational reasons

Americká cesta Viléma Pflanzera

Vilém Pflanzer, a friend of Vojta Náprstek, travelled to America in 1847–48. On the basis of this trip, he kept a diary, which, together with the correspondence between him and Náprstek, is preserved in the archive of the Náprstek Museum. This study examines Pflanzer’s journey, reflects on the…

Tetovaná lidská kůže a preparovaná hlava: lekce z vystavování dějin

The paper deals with the recently opened permanent exhibition of the Army Museum Žižkov, specifically its presentation of the topic of holocaust. The approaches used in the exhibition are put into the context of the development of exhibiting atrocities, genocide and human remains from the 1950’s to…

Workshop Jak vystavovat environmentální témata v paměťových institucích?

The report presents the workshop How to exhibit environmental topics in memory institutions? That took place on the 19th April in the National Museum in Prague. It was organized in cooperation between the Centre for the Presentation of Cultural Heritage and the Committee of Museum Historians of the…