ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Umění a ideologie – k estetickým implikacím a výstavním možnostem uměleckých částí Sbírky Muzea dělnického hnutí
Michaela Brejcha
In 2018 the National Museum gained support within the program NAKI of the Ministry of Culture for the project entitled The Museum of Working Class Movement in 21 Century, which is aimed at the presentation of The Collection of the Museum of Working Class Movement and other collections of similar…
Potenciál muzejní instituce v oblasti vědy a výzkumu na příkladu Národního muzea
Nina Milotová, Jiří Frank
There is no doubt that science and research represent an elementary part of work of museum institutions. This fact was already stated by founder of the National museum, Count Kaspar Maria Stenberk (1761-1838), who said that only the scientific elaboration of museum collections increases their value…
Principy interpretace na ukázce návrhu venkovní expozice archeoparku Pavlov
Jozef Sedláček, Hana Matějková, Daniel Matějka
he article deals with the architectural proposal of the outdoorexhibition of Archeopark Pavlov, which is the result of the cooperationof students and tutors of Mendel University in Brno with the RegionalMuseum in Mikulov and the Archaeological Institute of the Academy ofSciences of the Czech…
Muzea uprostřed „tekutého světa“
Michal Stehlík
The text is an essay on the essence and future of museums in
a quickly changing world distinctly characterized by the increase of
available information in various forms, especially digital. The author
uses André Kertész’s photograph “The Circus” to illustrate the transformation of the role of…
Zpráva z pokusného ověřování ohlédnutí koordinátorů pokusného ověřování za prvním během vzdělávacího projektu
Kateřina Tomešková
In 2017/2018 the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) implemented a project of experimental verification called the “Educational Programmes of Memory Institutions in Schools”. It was coordinated by the National Pedagogical Museum and Library of J. A. Comenius (NPMK). The goal of the…