Principy interpretace na ukázce návrhu venkovní expozice archeoparku Pavlov

Stránky 26-33
DOI 10.37520/mmvp-2018-0020
Citace SEDLÁČEK, Jozef, MATĚJKOVÁ, Hana a MATĚJKA, Daniel. Principy interpretace na ukázce návrhu venkovní expozice archeoparku Pavlov. Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2018, 56(2), 26-33. DOI: ISSN 1803-0386. Dostupné také z:
Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce | 2018/56/2

he article deals with the architectural proposal of the outdoorexhibition of Archeopark Pavlov, which is the result of the cooperationof students and tutors of Mendel University in Brno with the RegionalMuseum in Mikulov and the Archaeological Institute of the Academy ofSciences of the Czech Republic, Brno. The ideas and principles of inter-pretation of cultural heritage were used in the proposal. The purpose ofthe article is to describe a design process of an outdoor exhibition in-volving various professional professions – landscaping architect, archae-ologist and museum employees. Secondly it describes how the ideas andprinciples of interpretation of cultural heritage were implemented in theproject. The outdoor permanent exhibition is made up of plant design,paving and interactive elements and provides space for experimental andeducational activities. Every feature of the exhibition is described in de-tail and contains a commentary on how to act on the visitor.

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