

ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal


Vytváření elektronického registru sbírek kulturní opozice

The call of European Commission of the Horizon 2020 programme, entitled Cultural Opposition in the Former Socialist Countries, was based on the assumption that there are a number of historical sources pointing out the great variability of independent cultural activities and movements opposed to…

Kulturní opozice: koncepty a přístupy

This article describes the concepts and approaches to Cultural Opposition used by the COURAGE project (funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme). It examines how can the legacy of Cultural Opposition be analyzed from the perspective of the cultural heritage and…

Československá realita 1969–1989

The paper puts the topic of Cultural Opposition into the historical and social context of the long twenty-year period of 1969–1989 normalization. It is devoted to the changes of the regime, the international embedding of Husák’s Czechoslovakia, the repression since the mid-1970s as well as the…

Sbírky Národního muzea spjaté s kulturní opozicí

Collections devoted to culture form an important part of the National Museum collections. Especially those of the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre which were given to the National Museum by Vilém Prečan in 2003 are devoted to the Cultural and Political Opposition. These collections include a wide…

Ako definovať československý underground

What is an underground? Is it possible to embed this particular way of life into any definition? After all, even underground did not have the need to define itself at the beginning. The presented text represents a brief reflection of the development of underground in Czechoslovakia; attention is…