ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Budování Památníku Hodonín u Kunštátu v letech 2011–2017
Jakub Seiner, Markéta Pánková
The present article “Building of the Hodonín u Kunštátu
Memorial” represents an overview of the history of the former concentration camp in Hodonín u Kunštátu and focuses mainly on describing the complicated steps leading to the construction of the Hodonín u Kunštátu Memorial. The article briefly…
Marie Ulčová a její příspěvek k západočeskému muzejnictví
Nela Štorková
While today the Ethnographic Museum of the Pilsen Region
represents just one of the departments of the Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen, at the beginning of the twentieth century, in 1915, it emerged as an independent institution devoted to a study of life in the Pilsen region. Ladislav Lábek, the…
Využívání nových médií, technologií a moderních prezentačních postupů v českých muzeích
Nina Wančová
Museums in the information society are finding ways how to incorporate the technologies, the media and the modern presentation techniques into the exhibitions by designing interactive and collaborative activities and by online communication with the public. The article presents data from the…
„Kulturní a kreativní“ muzea. Úvod do problematiky
Jana Adamcová, Naďa Machková Prajzová
This paper deals with museums as a key part of cultural and creative industries and their role in social and economic development. Taking into account the role of museums in the past and the current trends, their contribution is considered to be crucial. Cultural and creative industries are an…
Inspirace muzeem. Expozice a výstavy inspirací pro výtvarnou tvorbu dětí
Ivana Kocichová, Jana Anděličová
The National Museum and its buildings are annually visited by hundreds of school groups, whether they are pupils of kindergartens, primary schools and/or secondary schools. In the 2017/2018, school year, the teams from the Prague Primary Art Schools joined the project implemented by the Regional Art…
„Zapomenutý“ Řád republiky
Eliška Peterková
This year, the National Museum celebrated its 200th anniversary.
Large celebrations was realized, just like five decades ago, when
the museum celebrated its 150th anniversary. During these celebrations, the National Museum received a state award – the Order of the Republic. After the revolution,…
Dobrovolnický program Národního muzea v letech 2015–2017
Ludmila Tůmová
It has been more than three years since the National Museum
launched the volunteer program. Every year more than 100 people have
been involved in the museum work and its projects. Altogether they volunteered for almost 15 000 hours. Looking back on the past years of program we have the opportunity…
Muzeum pro návštěvníky III: Komunikace, marketing a rozvoj publika
pro prezentaci kulturního dědictví Centrum