Marie Ulčová a její příspěvek k západočeskému muzejnictví

Stránky 13–23
DOI 10.2478/mmvp-2018-0010
Citace ŠTORKOVÁ, Nela. Marie Ulčová a její příspěvek k západočeskému muzejnictví. Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2018, 56(1), 13–23. DOI: ISSN 1803-0386. Dostupné také z:
Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce | 2018/56/1

While today the Ethnographic Museum of the Pilsen Region represents just one of the departments of the Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen, at the beginning of the twentieth century, in 1915, it emerged as an independent institution devoted to a study of life in the Pilsen region. Ladislav Lábek, the founder and long-time director, bears the greatest credit for this museum. This study presents PhDr. Marie Ulčová, who joined the museum shortly after the Second World War and in 1963 replaced Mr. Lábek on his imaginary throne. The main objective of this article is to introduce the personality of Marie Ulčová and to evaluate the activity of this Pilsen ethnographer and the museum employee with an emphasis on her work in the Ethnographic Museum of the Pilsen Region. The basic aspects of the ethnographic activities, not only of Marie Ulčová but also of the Ethnographic Museum of the Pilsen Region in the years 1963–1988, are described through her professional and popularising articles, archival sources and contemporary periodicals. Keywords: Ethnography, West Bohemia, Folk Culture, Ethnographic Museum, Marie Ulčová, History of Ethnography

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