ISSN : 1803-0386
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Vedoucí redaktor : Stehlík Michal
Dějiny pravěku, muzea a výuka na základních a středních školách
Marie Opatrná, Jiří Košta
The article summarises possibilities of cooperation between museums
and elementary and high schools in the sphere of education of prehistory.
The main problem of the education of prehistory is how to use the
prehistory to achieve aims in the education of history. These problems
are based on…
Přínos multimédií a digitálních technologií pro popularizaci archeologie
Veronika Mikešová
The article deals with the newest trends in popularization and presentation
of archaeology. It concerns uses of digital technologies and
multimedia and it shows their specific application in the example
of the project “Archaeology at reach”. The article highlights not only
the positives of…
Současné české archeologické expozice – výraz společenské pozice archeologie?
Jarmila Valentová
Most current archaeological exhibitions were created in the last
15 years. They appeared particularly in places where there was a significant
regional tradition guaranteeing market demand of tourism,
often presenting results of recent rescue excavations. Some of the exhibitions
Archeologie v umění. Poznámky k historii zobrazování pravěku v českém uměleckém prostředí v kontextu Národního muzea.
Marie Opatrná
The article deals with the connection of archaeology and arts. The
author describes the development of imaging of archaeological
themes in paintings, drawings and other artistic works, presenting
selected pieces of art. She focuses only on the Czech artistic environment.
This theme is important…
Od Vlastenského k Národnímu: odraz dějin v názvu našeho největšího muzea
Karel Sklenář
During its long history since the year 1818, the National Museum in
Prague has changed its name several times. Although the present
name occurred already in the first plans for the museum and
although it was used from time to time parallel with official names,
the first official name was “Museum…
Rok 1814 – rok počátků (Pokus o reinterpretaci Gymnazijního muzea v Opavě)
Pavel Šopák
This paper criticizes the idea of the Silesian Museum as the oldest public
museum in the Czech Republic. The analysis is based on the questioning
truthfulness of the first May 1814 as a date of establishing
museum, and further analyses the concept of the public. The paper explains
why the myth…
Popularizace přírodovědných muzejních sbírek a literatury pomocí platformy Biodiversity Library Exhibition (BLE)
Jiří Frank
Through the involvement of the National Museum’s Natural
History Museum in several European projects (such as 4D4Life1,
BHL-Europe2 or OpenUp!3) we got a great opportunity to focus
on the dissemination of information about natural history
(on-line). Thanks to modern technology, this information…
Co umění umí: Animační programy pro děti předškolního věku v Muzeu umění Olomouc
Michaela Johnová Čapková
Through the involvement of the National Museum’s Natural
History Museum in several European projects (such as 4D4Life1,
BHL-Europe2 or OpenUp!3) we got a great opportunity to focus
on the dissemination of information about natural history
(on-line). Thanks to modern technology, this information…