Od Vlastenského k Národnímu: odraz dějin v názvu našeho největšího muzea

Stránky 36 - 41
Citace SKLENÁŘ, Karel. Od Vlastenského k Národnímu: odraz dějin v názvu našeho největšího muzea. Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce. Praha: Národní muzeum, 2014, 52(1), 36 - 41. ISSN 1803-0386. Dostupné také z: https://publikace.nm.cz/periodicke-publikace/mmavdpc/52-1/od-vlastenskeho-k-narodnimu-odraz-dejin-v-nazvu-naseho-nejvetsiho-muzea
Muzeum: Muzejní a vlastivědná práce | 2014/52/1

During its long history since the year 1818, the National Museum in Prague has changed its name several times. Although the present name occurred already in the first plans for the museum and although it was used from time to time parallel with official names, the first official name was “Museum of the Country of Bohemia”. From 1848 to 1854, it was renamed “Bohemian Museum”. In 1854, the name “Museum of the Kingdom of Bohemia” was ordered by the government of the Hapsburg monarchy, and only after the founding of the independent republic of Czechoslovakia (1918) the present name “National Museum” was introduced. During the Nazi occupation 1939–1945 the name “Landesmuseum” was ordered. In the period 1949–1990 the name was used in a broader form “National Museum in Prague”.

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