ISSN : 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová
K počiatkom Archívu Slovenského národného múzea. Príspevok k životu a dielu Márie Jeršovej Opočenskej
Elena Machajdíková
The cultural heritage of the nation is protected by memory institutions, which consist, largely, of museums. One of the largest cultural institutions in Slovakia is the Slovak National Museum. Its archive has become a permanent source of information both on the institutional development of this…
Nástroj posilňovania národného ducha? Podoby múzeí na Slovensku v období existencie slovenského štátu
Miroslav Palárik
The aim of the paper is to describe the potential role of museums in spreading state ideology and propaganda. It furthermore attempts to answer the question of whether objects in Slovak museums could serve to strengthen love and devotion towards the State and nation, as well as encourage national…
Sbírkotvorná a výzkumná činnost jako forma komunikace muzea s veřejností (na příkladu vývoje pravěkého oddělení Národního muzea)
Karel Sklenář
Based on the example of the Prehistory Department of the National Museum, the present paper examines two of the ways in which the Museum has communicated with the public from the time of its foundation to, basically, the present: through the activities of collecting and researching. In the case of…
Národní muzeum jako vydavatel periodik v letech 1918–1993
Klára Woitschová
The publishing activity has been one of the important tasks of the National Museum since 1827, the year of the Journal of the National Museum’s (Časopis Národního muzea) publication. The text describes the development of the Museum’s publishing activities and covers their most significant features,…
Výstavní politika oddělení novodobých českých dějin v letech 1973–1989
Marek Junek
The National Museum started increasingly to engage in exhibitions devoted to twentieth-century history, subsequent to the foundation of the Department of modern Czech history. Until then, it had left this subject area to the Party museums in Prague. Individual exhibitions were particularly devoted…
Národní muzeum pohledem Československé televize ve druhé polovině 20. století
Jiří Hadaš
Based on historiographical procedures and methods used in the field of media science, a research was conducted, through quantitative and qualitative analysis, on unique historical sources in the form of television programs which provided information on the National Museum. In the selected period,…