ISSN : 2570-6845 (print), 2570-6853 (online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová
Vedoucí redaktor : Pavlína Vogelová
Zachránce z české obce Kupičov na Volyni – k životním osudům evangelického duchovního Jana Jelínka
Lenka Kločková, Roman Štér
The purpose of this text is to map out the vicissitudes in the life of the Evangelical clergyman Jan Jelínek on the basis of the sources available, in a bid to foster awareness of this prominent personage in the public realm and preserve his memory for future generations. Jan Jelínek was born in…
Sokolské jednoty Čechů z Volyně
Ondřej Štěpánek
The fundamental purpose of this article is to contribute towards mapping out the hitherto largely neglected development and significance of one of the most important aspects of the community life of emigrants from the Czech Lands settled in the area of Volyně – known as the Volyně Czechs. The…
České hroby, pomníky a pamětní desky jako nesmazatelná stopa působení Čechů v oblastech současné Ukrajiny
Dagmar Martinková
The aim of this contribution is to outline a basic overview of the monuments, memorial plaques, war graves and Czech cemeteries which document the activities of Czechs in the Ukraine over a brief period and also the lives of several generations. On Ukrainian land war graves with the mortal remains…
The Persecution of Czech and Other National Cultural, Educational and Charitable Organizations in the Ukrainian Provinces of the Russian Empire in 1905–1917
Vyacheslav Mahas, Yuriy Korniychuk, Lyudmyla Chyzhevska
From 1905 to 1917, a number of non-political civic organisations were constantly under the spotlight of the gendarmerie authorities and under pressure from the administration. In particular, national non-Russian charitable, cultural and educational organisations were closely observed and monitored.…
Scientific Research on Czech Presence in Ukraine in the 1920s
Lyudmila Pavlenko
The purpose of this article is to analyse the scientific work on the study of Ukrainian Czechs in the 1920s. The body of work under analysis is found to highlight the reasons and premises for the growing interest in the state and society as driving issues of Czech colonization of Ukrainian lands.…
Prezentování historických témat spojených s oblastí současné Ukrajiny ve výstavních projektech Národního muzea
Ondřej Štěpánek, Kristýna Blechová, Helena Medřická, Daniela Záveská