ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Kateřina Spurná, Ph.D.
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Kateřina Spurná, Ph.D.
Knižní kultura 19. století
České evangelické tisky toleranční doby
Zdeněk Nešpor
The issue of the Edict of Toleration legalised Protestants of Lutheran and Reformed confessions in Bohemia and Moravia. Their religious life required the support of printed materials in the form of religious literature of the corresponding confession approved by the state. Relatively high production…
Kalendáře, noviny, privilegia? Studie o páteři tiskařského podnikání v Čechách v 18. století
Michael Wögerbauer
Based on two intertwined case studies, this essay shows the economic importance of almanacs for Bohemian printing houses under the reign of Maria Theresa (1740–1780). The first case study focuses on the printing house of Sophie Rosenmüller (Kirchner-Klauser) in Prague, which during the 18th century…
Miesto a význam knižnej kultúry v aktivitách českého slovakofilského hnutia 19. storočí
Nadežda Jurčišinová
An important role in the activities of the Slovakophile movement, which was born in Bohemia and Moravia at the end of the 1870s, was played by book culture. Especially by means of books and articles in magazines, Czech Slovakophiles acquainted the wider Czech public with the position of Slovaks in…
Knihnosičství na Litvě v 2. polovině 19. století a jeho přínos k vytvoření moderního litevského národa
Jindřich Čeladín
The defeat of the Polish-Lithuanian uprising in 1863–1864 was followed by a new repressive policy. Its primary objectives were to suppress any ideas of the Polish-Lithuanian state and to establish the Russian system at any cost. The Russian government tried to remove Lithuanian and Polish languages…
Provoz pražského nakladatelství a tiskárny Františka Šimáčka (1834–1885)
Pavel Muchka
The aim of the article is to outline the activities of the Czech journalist, publisher and important representative of Czech national-economic thought in the 19th century, František Šimáček. Particular attention is focused on the operation of Šimáček’s business. Through his own company, Šimáček…
Nakladatelství Jana Otty 1871–1916
Svatopluk Herc
The article presents the history of Otto’s publishing house from its establishment in 1871 until the death of its founder, Jan Otto, in 1916 with an emphasis on the formative years of the development of the business (1871, 1883/84, 1899). It deals with the transformation of the company and Otto’s…
První brněnské litografické dílny a počátky litografie na Moravě
Lucie Heilandová
Interest in the art of lithography in Moravia already began to appear in the early 19th century. The first lithographic workshops in Moravia were established as late as in 1824, when one was founded by Johann Baptista and Adolph Trassler as well as Johann Gastl at their printing works in Brno. Both…
Časopisecká ilustrace – doprovod i konkurent textu
Markéta Dlábková
The article deals with the role of illustrations in pictorial magazines in the second half of the 19th century (Světozor, Zlatá Praha, Květy etc.) and with changes in the image–text relationship. It focuses both on documentary and reportage drawings, which formed a significant part of magazine…
Typografie Landfrasovy tiskárny
Jan Solpera
The article focuses on the typefaces used in the Landfras printing works in Jindřichův Hradec throughout the 19th century. The production of this printing works reflected the transformation of the printing craft workshop into an industrial enterprise. In the history of the development of the…
Ilustrace kalendářové části u knižních kalendářů 19. století
Zdenka Bosáková
Illustrations of the calendar part are the basic illustration in book calendars. They were placed on the twelve pages of the calendar part above the list of the days of the month. In some cases, especially in calendars from the beginning of the 19th century and Jewish calendars, these were even the…
Ilustrace Balzerů a Rybičků v mimopražských tiscích
Jan Štefan
The article provides information on two families of engravers that were involved in book illustrations in Bohemia over a hundred years beginning in the 1760s. Jan Jiří Balzer and his brothers (František, Matyáš and Řehoř) and sons (Jan Karel and Antonín Karel) significantly contributed to the…
Celokovové vazby 19. století
Radomír Slovik, Hana Slovik-Vávrová
The article presents the results of the research activities of Hana Slovik-Vávrová concerning the mapping of preserved all-metal brass book bindings in the collections of institutions in the Czech Republic. She has recorded a total of 145 of these exceptional book bindings from between the end of…
Osobní knihovny Národního muzea – cenný zdroj informací k dějinám knižní kultury 19. a počátku 20. století
Jaroslava Kašparová
Book collections from the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century preserved in the NM are among the richest and most interesting book collections of the Czech Republic. Research into personal book collections of the NM within the NAKI project (2012–2015), including besides the historical…
Pražská měšťanská knihovna J. D. Arbeitera v dobovém kulturním a společenském kontextu
Monika Vlasáková
The library preserved in the collections of the Hussite Museum in Tábor is a reflection of the life of the Prague burgher and pharmacist Jan Dobromil Arbeiter (1794–1870). In the context of three quarters of the 19th century, it testifies to the emergence of the National Revival, the renewed…
Knihy v měšťanských domácnostech na moravském pomezí na počátku 19. století
Lenka Nováková
The relation of subjected municipalities of urban type on the Moravian-Silesian border to books and to education in general can be demonstrated on the example of Místek, situated in the Hukvaldy demesne. The craftsmanship–agricultural character of the town along with its position on a trade route…
Čtenářství na Sobotecku v první polovině 19. století – čtenáři, majitelé knih a knihoven
Karol Bílek
The article provides information on the cultural life of the small town of Sobotka near Jičín and its surroundings during the National Revival. In its short introduction, it presents its main cultural activities from the 14th century while focusing on significant figures of the end of the 18th…
Budovanie knižného fondu spolku Detvan v Prahe do konca 19. storočia
Lukáš Hedmeg
At the turn of the 20th century, Slovaks faced new national challenges in the political and social conditions of Austria-Hungary. The Hungarisation efforts of the Hungarian government along with frequent accusations of pan-Slavism motivated a part of Slovak students coming from a nationally…
Školní knihovny v 19. století: kontrola, podpora a znovu kontrola
Marta Konířová
The development of school libraries established at schools providing elementary education in the 19th century is closely related to the development of this type of schools after 1774, when the General School Rules were published. For the first time, they referred to education as a political issue…
Jindřichův Hradec a rodina tiskařů Landfrasů
František Fürbach
The beginning of the article briefly outlines the history of Jindřichův Hradec from its foundation through its development in the 15th century and especially in the 16th century, until the 19th century, when the Landfras printing works functioned in the town. Afterwards, the article focuses on the…
Produkce Lanfrasovy tiskárny a nakladatelství v 19. století
Štěpánka Běhalová
The activities of the Landfras printing works and the associated publishing house are an important part of the history of book culture in the Czech lands in the 19th century and form a significant chapter in the history of book printing and publishing in this period. The focus of the production of…
Z pozůstalosti Landfrasovy tiskárny v Jindřichohradeckém archivu – zrcadlo doby v rodinné korespondenci
Helena Hálová
The article studies the set of 27 original letters deposited in the Documentation Collection – Cultural-Historical Archives of the State District Archives of Jindřichův Hradec. This collection contains documents of non-official provenance concerning, among other topics, also remarkable figures of…
Účetní knihy Zinkovy tiskařské dílny jako specifický pramen pro studium knihvazačství na konci 18. a v první polovině 19. století
Vlastimil Kolda
The members of the Zink family ran a bookbinding workshop in České Budějovice for 140 years. From the activities of the two last bookbinding masters, two accounting books with records for the years 1788–1804 and 1817–1868 have been preserved. These books are unique sources on the clientele of the…
Propagace poutních míst na Moravě kramářskou písní v první polovině 19. století
Monika Szturcová, Jakub Ivánek
The article deals with broadside ballads with themes related to pilgrimage, which were used by Moravian pilgrims from the 1790s, but mainly in the first half of the 19th century. The period under study thus begins after the death of the Enlightenment ruler Joseph II, who introduced a number of…
Mariazell v tištěných médiích 18. a 19. století
Markéta Holubová
In the wide range of printed books on religious topics, a specific role was played by printed pilgrimage items, whose main aim was to increase the prestige and fame of pilgrimage sites and to strengthen the promotion of worshipped cults among believers. This was also the case of the pilgrimage site…
Oděvy z daru dr. Bohuslava Riegra ve sbírkách oddělení starších českých dějin Národního muzea
Dana Přenosilová
The article primarily focuses on the description of selected clothes received by the Department of Old Czech History of the National Museum as a gift from Bohuslav Rieger. On several selected collection items, it illustrates the development of fashion mainly at the end of the 19th…
Z korespondence Jana hraběte Harracha s Františkem Ladislavem Riegrem
Jan Luštinec
František L. Rieger (1818–1903) was one of the leading representatives of the burgher class. He was socially engaged in many directions, but especially in politics. His counterpart, Jan Nepomuk Harrach (1828–1909), was a prominent figure of Czech aristocratic society and one of…