ISSN : 2570-6861 (Print), 2570-687X (Online)
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Kateřina Spurná, Ph.D.
Vedoucí redaktor : Mgr. Kateřina Spurná, Ph.D.
Encovanská zámecká knihovna Osvalda (1524–1589) a Rudolfa (1565–1602) Schönfeldů ze Schönfeldu
Richard Šípek
In 1623, the property of Ladislaus Seydlitz von Schönfeld was confiscated and immediately purchased by Polyxena of Lobkowicz. It also included the Encovany estate with Seydlitz’s library, the core of which was the book collection of the previous two lords at Encovany, the Vice-Chancellor of the…
Zámecká knihovna Defurovy Lažany – fond Otokara Kruliše-Randy
Lenka Bendová
The article deals with the Defurovy Lažany manor library, which used to comprise the collection of the prominent Czech industrialist Otokar Kruliš-Randa. The private collection of this bibliophile began to be formed during his studies and reached its zenith in the 1930s. This period is documented by…
Po stopách knih v rodině Brisigellů
Hedvika Kuchařová
The Brisigells were one of the families that settled in Bohemia in connection with land acquisitions during the Thirty Years’ War. The family achieved its greatest wealth in the second generation at the turn of the 18th century. The third generation suffered a gradual decline, caused i.a. by…
Albrecht Dürer a počátky české ilustrace
Petr Voit
This article deals with printed graphic sheets, cycles and illustrations by Albrecht Dürer, which penetrated into book printing in the Czech
language (Nuremberg) and in Bohemia (Prague, Litomyšl) through original printing blocks as well as copies in the first half of the 16th century. Dürer’s…
Trnkové z Křovic: krátký vzestup zapomenutého rodu
Jan Županič
Changes in the social status of the elites have been relatively well-mapped in the case of the families of the higher nobility, more rarely also for some better-off knightly families. Nevertheless, research has ignored the fates of the noble families that did not settle in the country but were tied…
Workshop Možnosti digitální prezentace kramářských tisků (Nová budova Národního muzea, 21. listopadu 2018)
Matěj Měřička, Michal Klacek, Iva Bydžovská