ISSN : 1803-0386
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
Editor in Chief : Michal Stehlík
Muzejní prožitek, vstřícné prostředí a pracovníci v první linii
Petra Belaňová, Ivana Kocichová
The museum experience is influenced by a variety of factors. In recent
years there has been an increasing awareness of these various influences
and museums have been placing special emphasis on the expansion of
their wide range of services, e.g. increasing visitor comfort and both
physical and…
Muzejní komunikace online: Projekt webových stránek Hrdličkova muzea člověka PřF UK
Nina Seyčková
Museum staff can utilise the new media in many different ways.
This article identifies three areas in which technologies, thoughts,
concepts and ideas related to new media can enrich museums.
We can use the new media in exhibitions, for implementing special
events (workshops, competitions, etc.)…
60. výročí Muzea Českého lesa v Tachově – vznik muzea v poválečném pohraničí
Jana Hutníková
By comparing the known published sources and archival materials we
have successfully reconstructed the process of the establishing of the
Tachov Museum in the period following the 2ndWorld War. We can accurately
identify the date of the 26th February 1954, the date on which the
District People’s…
Galerie umění Karlovy Vary / v běhu času
Jan Samec
The Regional Art Gallery was established in Karlovy Vary in January
1953. At that time it was one of eight specialised museums in Bohemia
and Moravia. At the outset the National Gallery in Prague assisted
with exhibitions and with advice about collections. Its first decade
was significantly…
Muzeum umění Olomouc: O muzeu umění, sbírání a vystavování výtvarného umění na Olomoucku
Pavel Zatloukal
The Olomouc Museum of Art was founded more than sixty years ago.
It was not created all at one time: its development was gradual and
took many twists and turns. This particularly applies to its core collection,
which consists of State, Church and private collections that
were donated to the care…
Dialog.cz-sk – vstup současného autorského šperku do končící stálé expozice v hlavní budově Uměleckoprůmyslového musea v Praze
Petra Matějovičová
The paper discusses Dialogue.cz-sk, a project through which contemporary
art jewellery “was included in” the Permanent Collection of the Museum
of Decorative Arts in Prague during the period from January 30th to November
2nd, 2014. The text’s introductory section focuses on two other,
Nová muzejní expozice ve Žďáře nad Sázavou
Stanislav Mikule
The new Museum Building with its permanent exhibition opened in
Žďár nad Sázavou in 2013. The basic concept of the exhibition was dependent
on the physical space of this renovated historic building. Four
rooms were prepared for the exhibition. The first of these displays a visual
synopsis of…
Historie terénní stanice PM na Horské Kvildě
Blanka Švecová
The report presented summarises the basic information concerning the
history of the National Museum’s Field Research Station. It was
founded in 1952 and it remains in use to this day. Initially the station
was used for researching moors, while during the last 50 years it has
been used mainly for…